In a few months, Mr de Elba and I will have our 10th Wedding anniversary. 1998 was a big year for a few of my bloggy friends - many of us seem to be having our 10th anniversaries this year.
I am posting this picture so you can see what we look like. Pictures of us are few and far between on this blog, not least because we're usually behind the cameras taking the photos. And look - there are a few of my loyal readers in the background! Like stalkers.
Some of you have noticed that I don't blog about Mr de Elba much. This is true. I have a number of reasons for not blogging about Mr de Elba.
1. I don't want him to be worried about what might be going out into The Internetz regarding him, his life or his work. My mother, when she does something embarrassing, often says, "You can't put that in the blog!" which of course, I won't. If that was my style, you would have heard of the unbelievable story of the green onions by now. But you, my dear reading public, can attest to the fact that I don't put anything too embarrassing or too personal about my loved ones into my blog. Even my children, if you can believe this, are spared from having their dirtiest linen aired here.
2. I don't post many photos of him because, to be honest, he is devastatingly photogenic, and frankly, I am jealous. I don't post many photos of myself here either because I am shockingly unphotogenic, and I would be embarrassed to do so.

3. In his work he supervises a number of school chaplains, and I feel it would be irresponsible to post anything too interesting, embarrassing, meaningful, dull, trite, etc., in case his chappies read it and that embarrassed him.
4. My blog has evolved into a story of the exploits of a mother and her children. That's just the genre we've slipped into. Maybe some Daddy-Action could pep it up a bit? He does get very busy in his work so it's hard to find some bloggable Daddy-Involvement at times, but I'll do my best.
5. I don't blog much about Mr de Elba because he doesn't do any of the following: poo in the bath, do embarrassing things with used pregnancy tests, go to kindy, whinge and whine at me all day, find my site by Googling really weird search terms, sit tranfixed at the computer watching the video clip of the Muppets rickrolling him, eat dog food, think of 12 reasons for not eating spinach and feta pie, wake me up by shouting, "THE JELLY'S READY!!!" an inch from my face, tell random strangers that in fouteen minutes, he's going to be a year and a half older than he is now ... I could go on ...
I love Mr de Elba. We have had some great times in the last 10 years. I just don't blog about him often. The same goes for God - I love Him, I interact with Him often, but our joyride together doesn't make it into the blog all that often. Maybe I should change that!?
You guys look great, 10 years ago and now!
Great post. I loved it. And you guys look great together. He looks good AND you look good.
I love it! You two are adorable. We celebrated our tenth in June.
I think blogs have a mind of their own. Mine decided to take a slightly new direction a while ago, and there was no stopping it. You've got a great thing going!
Congratulations on your anniversary. That's a lovely wedding photo - although (I hope you won't mind me saying this) it looks a bit as though it was taken inside a zoo enclosure. I half expected to see an alligator to the left of you and people peering over the railings on the right!
Happy 10th anniversary! One decade down, and hopefully many more happy decades to come! :) (Hubby and I are closing in on our 14th wedding anniversary, which is in the beginning of January. This probably seems like a sensible month in which to marry to you down there in Oz, but for us, it was the middle of winter, so yes, we were nuts.)
That is a lovely picture - very "arty" too what with the angles and perspective and all, though amanda's comment above also struck me as true. Was there a croc just off camera? :)
Congrats on 10 years!!! You are quite a cute couple :)
Actually, you're much more photogenic than you think!
Happy Anniversary soon.
I love what you said at the end about not blogging about your husband and/or God.
Maybe you'll feel moved to blog about both more, but you wouldn't have to. You're doing just great. I'm sure posting more about the two leading men in your life would be just as good. :)
Great pictures! Congrats on nearly 10 years. I don't blog a whole lot about my hubby either. Like you said, they just don't do as many entertaining things. lol
I love you guys!!
The photo on your 9th Anniversary is really nice!!! And gee.... your hair looks GREAT :p
Ah yes, thanks to my wonderful hairdresser, Swift Jan, who gave me a free upstyle along with the cut just for that anniversary dinner! Thanks!
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