11 October 2008

Happy Bloggiversary To Me!

A year ago today, I started a blog.

It was the stupid dog who made me do it. She is a perfect family dog because she is lovely with all the children and adults she meets and there has never been a person at whose feet she hasn't dropped her ball, asking them to throw it for her. Just once. Aw, how about once more? C'mon, what about throwing it again? Oh, just throw it again, this throw is the one that I really want.

But on this day last year, she decided that she didn't like smaller dogs. She bit one in the street and the owner ended up chasing us down for the vet bills. We'd never had anything like that happen to us before, so it was a horrible shock.

Since then, Puppity Doggity has been a perfect family pet ... most of the time. She's had a few lapses which make us worry that we can never give her the slightest opportunity to escape from us and become a problem for other dogs. It's been stressful, but as I look back over this year of blogging, I see that it's been a stressful year.

Frog dreams, one-eyed fish, public nakedness, wasp stings, bed bugs, lots of toileting accidents, the hazards of cooking, more bed bugs, a steam train ride, new knickers, baking disasters, creative photography, making the old oven disappear, uses for old pregnancy tests, toothbrush people, a leaky sewer, kindy hassles ... leading to chickenmoney 1, chickenmoney 2, chickenmoney 3 & chickenmoney: the dream, a switch to decaf, stupid injuries, why I don't eat blue jelly beans, Smoochy Girl's Pinup Boy, church signs, my series on the horoscope, the Bible and me, what I did when I was caught short, the incident with the superglue, a way-cool kids' book, lots of runny noses, good fun on SITS, stuff that makes me gag, a trip to REHAB, 'pah-LOONK' in the bath, waking up is hard to do, why Sonny can't eat his dinner, cleaning under the deck, rickrolling my kid, terrible garage door security, dodgy eBay decisions, Sonny's Pig Box, sleeping arrangements, getting burgled, memories of gymnastics, the poo police, a whole lot of junk, and now we're in the middle of a kitchen renovation.

What a year. It makes me exhausted just thinking about it. I made a lot of wonderful friends, got a new blog design, and saw some of my own wonderful friends start blogs of their own.

Thanks for reading! I've really enjoyed blogging and hope to do much more of it. It relaxes me, calms me down, and causes me to ignore untold amounts of housework.

Blog On!


  1. I'm laughing out loud just reading that list! boy, I sure could use up an hour or two clicking some of those old posts... maybe just two or three...

    What a year, indeed.

  2. I'm all for ignoring housework. Happy Blogiversary!

  3. Happy Blogiversary! Keep up the good work.

  4. Yay!! Happy blogiversary!!!!

  5. Happy Anniversary. Totally Blog on Sister. I am a HUGE fan! I can't wait to check out all those links.

  6. Happy Bloggiversary!

    I'm so glad you're here.

    You make me laugh out loud. You make me read out loud to my teenagers so they can laugh with me. You make me send links to friends so they will laugh too.

    You make me think.

    Keep swinging that ukelele.

  7. Congratulations!

  8. Yes, blog on! Here's to many more years of cracking people up!

  9. Happy BlogaversarY! How cool that you were a prize winner on your anniversary!!!

  10. Happy blogiversary!

  11. Happy Blogiversary! (Sorry I am a day late to the party...I was trapped in a plane.) I am so glad that darn dog made you start blogging. You make me laugh until I cry regularly, and I am even seriously considering getting in a kayak to come see you soon!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!