12 October 2008

Driver WHAT?!?

Sometimes you mishear things. And sometimes you don't mishear, you just don't understand.

I stood at the supermarket checkout listening to the two older ladies in front of me chatting. They were talking quietly, and I guess they didn't think I was listening.

They chatted about all sorts of amazing topics that were important to ladies in their stage of life.

Then I heard them mention something that sounded like "Driver Jye-Na."

Driver WHAT?

It took me a while to work it out ...

Ummm ... Driver -

OH! I Get It Now.


  1. bwaaahahahah. Too funny!

  2. hahahaha... Thankfully, not quite yet.

  3. *snort* Thanks for the laugh!

  4. Is that the opposite of 'You're a nary in continents'?

  5. Hee hee, yes, I think it's from the same family ... hee hee!

  6. OMG! When I'm old, will I talk about THAT in the checkout line??
    I probably will.

  7. I had to say it out loud to get it! Good thing the daughter had already left for the bus!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!