Bingo! I won an auction for a Bingo Set on eBay. Look at it. Who wouldn't want one of these? Number 4, Knock at your Door.
On camp this year (the camp that Hubs will NOT be bringing bed bugs back from) they plan to have a Nanna Night for one of their themed dinners. The plan is for 120 kids and their leaders to dress as Nannas (Grandmothers) in old Nanna-ish clothes and blue permed wigs and play Bingo.
53, Stuck in a Tree.
Hence the purchase of balls, markers, cards and an eight inch metal rotary cage with automatic random ball selector.
31, Get Up and Run.
There is only one fly in the ointment. I'm pretty peeved about this.
42, Winnie the Pooh.
I forgot to say something important, and now I've missed my chance, I don't see that I'll get another chance for quite a while. Forever, maybe. After all, how often does one BUY a bingo set in an online auction?
17, Dancing Queen.
When I won the auction, paying all of the starting price of AU$9.99 plus $15 postage...
58, Make Them Wait.
... I forgot to jump up, punch the air, and say ...
37, A Flea in Heaven.
24 May 2008
Two Fat Ladies, 88.
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HA HA HA!!! A very cool bingo machine indeed! :p
It looks like it came with two sealed packs of birth control pills. I think maybe I need to lay off of the meds and get some sleep myself here!
BINGO - you're SITS queen for a day! Enjoy. Jen.
Holy crap...I think I used to own one of those before.
I want one!!!
Curses,that is one missed opportunity there!
Congrats on your SITS nod, love your blog, and will be back!!!!
Hysterical! You certainly where worthy of the feature today! Great reads!
AHHHH I need one of those for my sister! My YOUNGER sister who is sickly addicted to the game, although if we played that at home....there would be no chance of her winning MULAAH$$$$ LOL
That's way cool, though! I'd love one of those (but I can't say why...I don't even play bingo). :)
Ebay is the best, huh? Where else can you find a bingo machine?
Enjoy your SITS love! Great blog!
Happy SITS Day!
You WIN! :-)
Um ya, but you gotta pay for it.
I think I'm going to pee my pants. This is SO funny!
You sound like a total gem. Love your writing style, too.
Nice rhyming for all the numbers. I couldn't have done that.
I've never seen one of those. Maybe I'm not quite old enough?
Okay, how pathetic am I? I just read your ENTIRE bingo-related post waiting for the bit when the Two Fat Ladies ( came into the picture. Seriously. When you got to the part about camp, I was all "aha, so they're doing a Bad British Food theme night and will go riding in an old motorcycle with a sidecar..."
Clearly, I do not play nearly enough Bingo. Even the wikipedia entry cites the fact that "Besides describing the hosts, the term 'two fat ladies' is a bingo call for the number 88." Yeesh.
Congrats on being the SITS FBotD! :D Cheers!
Ha ha! Well, you won twice here with the double honor of being featured and getting the first comment. Congrats!
Congrats on the feature and your awesome bingo set.
Oh my goodness, that's so funny!
I can't wait to be part of the blue rinse set and go play bingo at the community hall with someone called Olive!
Nanna night with bingo. I bet the kids got a kick outta that one! What a great idea!
Around here it has switched to BUNCO partys.
Congrats on your bingo set!
SWEET! Hope you get many enjoyment out of your very own BINGO wheel.
Congrats on your SITS feature.
Here from SITS! Congrats on your Bingo e set win! You'll need to host a party of your own for that when the kids get back from camp!
Cool!! I've always wanted a bingo set !!
Have fun at the camp ... and hopefully, no bugs !
Y'all will probably have lots of fun with that.
I wish I had a reason to buy a bingo set.... I think that may be the only reason I look forward to family reunions.
Cute post! I played bingo in big hall recently for the first time. It's kind of addicting!
I found your blog through SITS and I'm so glad I did! Love your style. And who knew there was so much to Bingo?
Congratulations on being featured, your blog is great, I am enjoying my time here
Now, you can be the hit of the town at your local Nursing home!
Maybe the prize for winning will be a pair of your pajamas.....
I still can't get the image from my mind!
Bingo Nanny Style!!! How awesome is that??? Perhaps prizes could be things like "denture cream", "arthritis medication", "Fiber Drink",etc. Kudos to the blog, and for being Queen SITS for a day!!!
Haha! I think the last time I play Bingo was at prom (or really, the party after prom).
Hey, bring that back after camp. I had a bingo set when I was in late elementary school, and it was great fun to play with all my friends for several years!
I think you got ripped. I have seen them at Wal-Fart for like 9.99 and no shipping!! lol
BINGO-That's a clever post and a good idea for a game night at a camp.
i haven't played bingo in ages. I always wanted to go do it at a hall with those huge markers.
I buy the craziest things as well. I went to
The Something Storejust to see what kind of silly thing I would get.
You can buy the craziest, coolest stuff on E-bay!
congrats on SITS day1
Sounds like fun!
HAHAHAHA!!! funny.
HAPPY SITS DAY!! Enjoy the Bingo machine!
Have fun with that!! (sounds like you already are!!)
Congratulations- I am the most recently inducted BINGO player. I had no idea what was going on until I read the comment of one of the..uh.. commenters.. about BINGO calls. I thought I was supposed to be making sense of everything written in order! Well, "the more you know- the less you don't know."
Great, I suddenly have the urge to play a game of bingo...
Bingo rocks. Oh, but it does.
I'm a total closet bingo lover.
I have to admit...I totally love bingo.
This is too cute...I love the counting out your winnings! :) Love your blog! Congrats again on your SITS feature!
We've taken a few cruises over the years and they have some funny Bingo terms like B4...and after.
I love the idea of dressing up like old ladies!
I don't believe I've played bingo since I was in elementary school. I would never have guessed that you could purchase something like that.
Your bloggy name has been stuck in my head all day since I saw you were the featured blog today!
Awesome bingo set up! Very cool! Have fun playing!!
this is awesome!
I like your BINGO set. I hope you get to use it more than once. Or maybe you could recoup your costs by reselling it on E-bay.
Love the nanna night idea.
I'm totally stealing the nana night idea. What fun!!! Had to read the comments to figure out the 88/two fat ladies thing. Perhaps I'll brush up on my bingo before having nana night at my house.
BINGO is always such fun when there is cool prizes! :)
I came via SITS!
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