... when she throws library books at your head and shouts, "FETCH!"

Update on sick de Elbas: Three-quarters of us are okay, even if we feel a little down from time to time. Sonny on the other hand continues to be very sick. We're having difficulty managing his fever, and he will often wake from fitful sleep shouting, "So BAD! I feel SO BAD!!" And we know he does. We're off to the doctor most days and we're getting looked after well, but this thing is hard to shake. The primary problem remains nasty tonsillitis, but wow. The secondary stuff is getting a little worrying. If you're a praying person, we'd appreciate prayers for Sonny to get well (you can call him Nat in your prayers) and for me and Mr de Elba to have wisdom to know what to do. If you're not a praying person, all positive thoughs are appreciated.
Fetch! Love it.
That's just too precious!!!!!
definitely praying for you all!! lots of love :)
Your kids are just so cute!!! How is your head though?
Count me among the praying.
Get well Sonny!
The question is, did you? (Fetch, that is.)
Oh dear. Definitely praying... that sounds very worrying.
I just prayed for Nat. I hope this ends today.
Are you thinking of having his tonsils taken out?
I ended up doing that with both my girls and it helped so much.
Are they considering taking his tonsils out? :(
Prayers for quick recovery being sent your way! There is nothing worse than sick kiddos...oh wait...add sick parents on top of it!!! RE Smoochy's photo licking the jar....is that Vegemite? Eee gads! Probably like peanut butter to us here in the States!
Nana Tantrum
I love "FETCH"! I sometimes talk to the kid like the dog as in "sit!" "get down". Scary thing is, he listens and obeys!
Sending prayers your way for Nat.
I will so pray for you and your family. I hope that Nat feels better soon. Poor little guy and poor mommy.
Prayers sent for all! Thinking good thoughts too, to double-up.
Absolutely keeping you all in prayer and hoping that SMJ and all de Elbas are much better by the time I'm (belatedly) reading this update.
(((hugs))) <--- of the non-germy kind!
too cute ...sounds like my two year olds
I'll send on a prayer too .
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