Sometimes I leave a shop with the vague feeling I've left something behind ... something small usually, like my purse or -ahem- the item I just BOUGHT. Today I left the pharmacy with the same feeling. But today the item I'd left behind was one whole giant shopping trolley complete with the groceries I'd just gone to the bother to BUY. I'll post a picture to show you that it wasn't a small item.Miraculously, I remembered the children.
27 June 2009
Labels: mumfail
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It's probably mummy brain. I have started forgetting things since having a kid - I turned up to the private hospital postnatal clinic without shoes, and had to go the whole way home again.
Okay, have forgotten my change, or my purse, the thing I've gone in to buy, but the trolley I fell over as I left would have been very difficult to forget.
There lies the difference between your IQ and mine.
Oh yeah, we've all been there. Once I was at the supermarket paying for my stuff, when I saw my stroller parked near the trolleys.
I hadn't taken the stroller that day. It had been waiting a few days for me to return.
Like you, I'm blessed with just enough memory to remember my children. Although once, I nearly ran off the road when I heard SOMETHING IN THE BACKSEAT of my normally empty car. It had slipped my mind that I was the new owner of a baby...
I've been known to start walking home only to remember that I drove to the shops that day. I've done it the other way around too... "Where's my car? Someone's stolen my car!! I DON'T BELIEVE THI-- oh, hang on, I walked here today..."
I'd *like* to say I've never forgotten anything, ever. That my mind is a steel trap.
Well, it is, but I guess I oughta confess that the hinge on the trap's gone a wee bit rusty over the years since I became a mom...........
For me, the problem isn't so much the forgetting to bring my groceries out of the store after buying them, but that I get to the store and forget what I'd come for in the first place. :P
And yet, somehow I can *still* remember every last word to every last Wiggles song - and dance maneuver too - even though Kiddo, the reason I learned them all in the first place, has utterly forgotten every last note herself.
Whenever I hear "Ma'am?!" from behind me as I exit a store, I can be pretty sure I'm the one they're talking to.
You and your crazy sister keep me laughing!!!
yeah - that never happens to me.
Did i mention it's opposite day?
oh dear, that's pretty impressive.
I don't know how i'm gonna go with getting "preggers brain", because i always forget stuff already!!!
Whenever I walk out of the big box store and forget where I've parked my car (like I did today), I will think of you and remember it could always be worse. :P
Love Tracy P's comment!
pregnancy brain will do that to you.
I laughed at this because just this once, it wasn't me... This second pregnancy has taken a toll on my cognitive function that I really don't remember from the first. I'm not sure I'll ever be the same...
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