12 January 2010


Today is the twelfth.

Twelve.  12.

We could add those up.

1+2 = 3.

Three.  Nice number.

Three children, for example.

That's pretty awesome, wouldn't you say?

Put two of them together though ...

33.  Wow.

I've never been 33 before.

But I am now.

It doesn't hurt as much as I thought it would.

This birthday has been wonderful!  I had so many lovely friends and family members who sent cards, presents, emails or texts, and also to Hippomanic Jen and Swift Jan who gave me a virtual birthday party!

My parents-in-law looked after the children tonight so Mr de Elba and I could go out for dinner.  We started by heading to the pool to do some laps, and then had a lovely Italian meal - pasta and risotto with gelati for dessert.

Mr de Elba is a pretty good present-giver.  He has been enjoying my home-made pizzas so decided to get me a pizza stone.  I unwrapped it at about 8:00am, and had a pizza on the table for lunch.  This included time to knead and rise the dough, and get some groceries.  Here is the pizza - it's no longer on the stone in this photo, but on the cutting board.
The base was perfect!  This time I used roasted pumpkin, red onion, blanched spinach, capsicum, pepperoni and ricotta.  Delicious!

Among the other lovely presents was something you might be interested in ...

Ta-DAH!  My very own domain name!

This means that now you can find my blog at http://www.killingafly.com/.  No need to mess about with "dot-blogspot", nor with "friendlyblackandwhitedog" which was chosen without much thought back in 2007.

Please update your bookmarks!  And stand back and admire the simplicity that is http://www.killingafly.com/!  Now to keep working on my new template.  Want a sneak preview of something that may not even be the same when I finally decide on what I want?  Here is a post divider that I made (imagine it minus the black border, if you can):

Well it is past 10:00pm (the hour of my birth) and although this makes no sense, I will take that as my cue to logoff and go to sleep.  Thankyou all for helping make this a great birthday!


Heather said...

Happiest of happy birthdays! Sorry these are now belated wishes! I remember 33 as a very good year, lo those many years ago...

I love gelato. Mmmmmmmmmmm. That was one of my favorite things about living in Italy - fresh lemon gelato. Heavenly! :-D

That pizza also looks heavenly! We have a pizza stone and love it. It works well for baking bread, too (as you might imagine or extrapolate...)

Updating bookmark now..........


Anonymous said...

Belated Birthday Wishes from Nana Tantrum! Sounds like your day was dang near perfect!

Joy said...

First of all if I could get to your house quick for a bite of that pizza I would. That looks way good.
I'm impressed with your pizza making abilities.
Glad you and Mr. de Elba got away for a birthday dinner.
I always pick Italian for my birthday dinners too.
YaY for another January baby.
I had a birthday on the 4th of January and turned 44 so I had the 4 thing going on.
Can't wait to see the new blog. I also purchased a domain name. But I don't know how to transfer my stuff to it. I need a lesson.
♥ Joy

CynthiaK said...

Happy happy happy!! In fact, here's some more happy for you, even. I've passed a little award along:


What's ahead in the next 33 years??

Swift Jan said...

HURRAH!!! What a GREAT birthday present! Between you & swift Jim we could have AWESOME pizza nights!

I am just LOVING your sneak peak of what might come to killing a fly!!

Love you my dear friend xoxo

Allegro ma non troppo said...

What we need now is for Mum to comment about your birth. I love the part where you've been born and she asks the nurses, "When does my labour start?"

Hippomanic Jen said...

I'm so glad you had a happy birthday, and Mr de Elba gets huge numbers of brownie points for his pressie. So thoughtful!

Jen said...

Happy Birthday, sweetie! I hope that you had the best day.

And seriously, when are we going to get our kids together for a play date. Wanna meet in the middle like Japan or Hawaii?

Tracy P. said...

Glad you got some alone time with your man. Awesome present. Even if I were to quit having birthdays, you would take a VERY long time to catch up to me! I think I will keep having them, just the same, and you can just be young!

CraftyMummy said...

Happy Birthday!!!! A bit late but still... Pizza looks yummy!

Le said...

well happy days dear one :) your last comment made me laugh out loud - hee hee love le xoxo

veiledturnip said...

Happy Birthday! I love the fact that you and hubby went for laps before your special birthday dinner - how romantic!! :)