Summer is the time for ...
A lizard to take a dip deep down in a bromeliad
A lizard to take a dip deep down in a bromeliad
Swimming in our wonderful "pool"
And falling asleep in the hallway, for that is where you were when you became so tired you couldn't take one more step.
And guess what? It's not even Summer yet!
Awww, they're great pics. Love the Mr Lincoln. And how cute is that shot of Anna asleep in the hallway?
I love your pool. Can I come over?
I love the pool. My mom cleaned out a huge horse trough for the grandkids to swim in. They think it is great.
Hey, we have that same 'pool' at our house.
Mr Lincoln is a handsome looking fellow! I wish my kid would just drop off to sleep like Anna, that's impressive and painfully cute.
I had a pool just like that for mne at a young age too. AND the same hallway sleeping pattern. Gorgeous, gorgeous post.
Ah yes...we've traded back again! Hope you get some rain this summer.
Mr. Lincoln was the very first rose I planted when we bought our very first house in 1984. I love that rose!
Nana Tantrum
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