Thanks to you who voted! Today we had a dedication service for Smoochy Girl at church and a party in the park afterwards. It seems fitting that today, she receives a new blog name. And to celebrate, here are some pictures of her smiling!
Some people have pointed out that most of the photos on this blog of my children involve them crying. Fair comment. I usually don't post too many photos of them on this more public blog, and it is true that the recent photos posted were of them crying hard.
Some people have pointed out that most of the photos on this blog of my children involve them crying. Fair comment. I usually don't post too many photos of them on this more public blog, and it is true that the recent photos posted were of them crying hard.
I think I do this because the crying photos are much funnier. And much more representative.
This is Sonny Ma-Jiminy at one year old crying over his porridge.
See what I mean? Hilarious!
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