06 December 2010


Today was the first fine day after what seems like months of rain.  It was only a week or 10 days of rain, but it seems much longer.

I was walking in the back yard surveying the damage of rotten strawberries and zucchinis when I saw a tiny white egg on the ground.  The giant eucalypts in the bush behind us house many native birds, and I assumed that the egg fell from one of the many nests in the knotholes that overhang our yard.

The egg had been there for hours, possibly overnight and if there was a baby bird inside it would surely be dead.  There was no chance that it could be saved, incubated, hatched and raised.  It was a bit sad.

I decided to bury it.  Poor little thing.  As I picked it up, I noticed its shell was cracked.  I peeked inside, and there, curled up around some yolk was a tiny baby bird who was cold and still.  I could see its forming feathers and its black eyes.

It was just a little bit sad.


Hippomanic Jen said...

His eye is on the sparrow...

But yes, a little bit sad.

Allegro ma non troppo said...


Glad you were there for it.

Caitlin said...

That 'tis a little sad. Poor itty bitty birdie.

veiledturnip said...

Matt 10:29b "But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it." vs. 31 "So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows."

Givinya De Elba said...

Yes, I love that verse and I used it when I was praying about the baby bird :) Thankyou my friend.

J said...

That is sad and unfair. w