('Band-Aid' = sticking plaster)
A small fear, requiring a bona-fide "Shrek Band-Aid" (Feb 2008)
A small fear, requiring a bona-fide "Shrek Band-Aid" (Feb 2008)
has become a full-blown kicking screaming phobia, requiring a bona-fide "Buzz Lightyear Band-Aid." (Nov 2009)
what a multitalented daddy!
What's he doing to hurt his right foot so much? Hopping on knives?
Oh wow, that's awesome. Daddy rocks!
I'm glad his dad is good at drawing on Band-Aids, because I certainly wouldn't be if my kids started needing pictures on theirs!
Daddy's are good at so many things.
I will not show this to my kids, then they will want one. ;)
With a talented father like that, even I wouldn't mind a little knife hopping;)
What cool bandaids!!
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