The Movie: Toy Story 2.
The Song: "When She Loved Me"
The Basic Idea: A discarded toy, singing about her now grown-up former owner:
When somebody loved me, everything was beautiful
Every hour we spent together, lives within my heart
And when she was sad, I was there to dry her tears
And when she was happy, so was I, when she loved me.

The Problem: A pregnant 32 year-old woman choking back tears, vowing never to let her children's toys be sold or given away and never to let her children grow up, for fear of hurting their toys' feelings!
The Dialogue:
TV: When somebody loved me, everything was beautiful...
Me: (choke)
Sonny Ma-Jiminy: Why is Jessie sad? Why did her owner give her away?
Me: (choke) Because she grew up, sweetheart.
SMJ: I'm never going to grow up and give my toys away.
TV: So the years went by, I stayed the same / And she began to drift away, I was left alone...
Me: (choke, sob) But that's normal, Little One. We grown-ups don't tend to do a lot of playing with toys.
SMJ: I always will. I will never stop.
Me: But if you ever do, it will be norm-(choke)-al, and your toys would prefer to go to little children who will play with them always.
TV: Still I waited for the day, when she'd say "I will always love you..."
SMJ: I will never ever ever stop playing with my toys and I will never give them away!
Me: O-(sob)-kay sweetheart. That's fine by me.
Oh, pregnancy hormones, I know them well...
I am totally having to choke back tears here too. *sniff, sniff*
That song makes me cry too when I hear it. Preggers or not.
I love Toy Story 2 so much more than the first one.
Good thing pregnancy is curable. But that doesn't explain why my husband can't get rid of stuff...
It really IS sweet and a little sad though. ;-)
OH dear... maybe I shouldn't watch it anytime soon!
Somehow your boy pulled out some long unused oxytoxin out of my body and made me tear up. Now I won't be able to watch comercials all weekend. sweetness.
That song gets me too. Most Disney 'sad' scenes choke me up - somehow animated angst is much more powerful than real humans. I even cry when the Siamese Cats kick Lady out of her house in Lady and the Tramp. I think pregnancy broke me - I never used to be such a sook.
PS: I love "oxytoxin", Aunt Debbi. So much nearer the mark than "oxytocin".
ahh, Toy Story 2 is a fav in our house... so many questions come of it here too
I'm DEFINITELY not pregnant and cry at commercials.
And by the way. Put those toys in a box and pull them out on rainy days or -- hey! Pull them out when your children have children! Never give them away! :-)
regarding Nick Vujicic. You should google him. His ministry is Life without Limbs. I know Australia is a huge country, but I knew he was from there, and didn't know by chance if you knew him. He packs out the house everytime he comes to Texas. He's an amazing man.
Oh, nonononono! I have tried so hard to put my old toys out of my mind because I KNOW I hurt their feelings, and it KILLS me! I have a few that I still have with me that I will always love, but I feel horrid thinking about the ones left behind! :(
Just this morning, I looked at my hubby's stuffed doggie sitting perched at the top of the bookshelf in the bedroom.
We've watched that movie hundreds of times and I still get choked up in that scene! Not even pregnant here, hello?!
Yeah. Those Pixar films are good stuff. Can't wait to see what they do with the third instalment of Toy Story.
I still have toys from when I was little. I don't play with them though, just can't bear to part with them.
That scene undoes me. This is so beautifully written. Thank you.
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