I'd wear small shirts and tiny pants
30 December 2009
I Wish I Was a Baby
I'd wear small shirts and tiny pants
27 December 2009
Decipher This
Labels: buzz, good times, jessie
26 December 2009
I'm Proud and Thankful for 2009
1. Firstly, I am thankful and extremely sobered by the fact that I am alive, as is my dear little boy Joseph Samuel. But for modern medicine, we would both have certainly died. Many women and babies died in childbirth in the past because of problems like placenta praevia, as do many women and babies in third world countries today. Thankyou God, from the bottom of my heart, that the doctors were able to make a potentially tragic circumstance into a quiet, low-key medical miracle. Thankyou very much. I love him so much, and I can't stop rubbing his round fuzzy little head.
2. I am thankful for my wonderful husband, who, at the end of the year, still loves me. I am thankful for his skills in assembling a play kitchen for Anna-Lucia. There were what seemed like hundreds of little pieces to fit together, not to mention the screws and things ... Wow.
3. I am thankful for Nathaniel and Anna-Lucia, and proud of the fact that I have kept them alive, healthy and happy this year. They are the dearest little delights who ever sought to kill each other routinely before 7:00am each morning. I am proud that I made it through a year of kindy without ever forgetting to pick Nat up once, and for finally managing to give him the Kindy Birthday he's always wanted. I am proud that when we moved away from Mr de E's Aunty's awesome Family Day Care arrangement, that with my mother's help, I was able to have Anna-Lucia at home full-time and still manage.
4. I love my extended family, and thankful that Crazy Sister and her family will live closer next year. Tune in to my Post-Christmas "I Am Thankful" post in 2010 to see if I'm still thankful! Aarrr, kidding! I really am most excited to have them closer.
5. Around the House:
(a) I am proud that after many months, I tidied my drawer of containers. Now I have containers stacked with their lids beside them, and I also have precious little of anything round. Children's cups now have their own spot, and are restrained from taking over the world.
(b) I am also proud of the curtains I bought for the PlayRoom, even though the PlayRoom is still a work in progress. I will be monstrously proud of Mr de Elba and myself when it is completely finished! Again, tune in to the Thankful Post of 2010. It may just take that long.
(c) I am proud of my Wee Bro for starting me off on the transformation of the Overgrown Corner With Wasps into The Sandpit, and of my own work to finish the job.
I am sure that many more items for this list will come to me over the days. But for now, that will do.
So when I shout "Happy New Year" it will not be with the thought that the new year may bring nothing but sunshine and rainbows. It will be with thankfulness for 2009 in mind, remembering the things I was proud of and thankful for in the year.
For some Thankful Reading, check out the thankful lists by Scurrette, Crazy Sister and Femina. In turn, I am thankful and proud to call them my friends.
Labels: buzz, celebrations, crazy sister, jessie, mr de elba, woody
25 December 2009
Thankyou God, for Jesus!
At this time of year I am so humbled. In the words of Adrian Plass: "Isn't God NICE?"
'Nice' and 'Kind' are words that go 1% of the way towards describing how gracious God was to send a Saviour for us.
What a wonderful day, full of fun and family, and a bit of food too! And of course, we celebrated God's gift to us by giving gifts to each other, and that was a whole heap of good fun. I won't post much about what was given and received, lest the ubiquitous "robbers" my children are always talking about come and steal our stuff. Because let me tell you, looking at how blessed with "stuff" we are, the robbers wish they were us.
I must go to bed now because we have another huge day of fun, family and food coming up tomorrow. I will leave you with this summary of the day, said in style on the packaging of the little water pistols that Nat and Anna-Lucia received:
24 December 2009
What are you proud of?
Each New Years Eve, I've noticed how people all shout, "Happy New Year!" with great abandon, wishing a good one upon anyone with whom the come in contact. Almost as if the act of wishing it ensures a year free of upheaval and heartache.

- bed bugs
- high blood pressure
- burglary
- and Mr de Elba's job offer and upcoming move for the family, which counted for 4 or 5 large upheavals, in my book.
It can be something big, it can be something small. It can be a huge long post including a lot of things you want to be thankful for.
I'm going to do my own post soon. Please pop back and let me know when if you've done one so I can read it!
In the meantime, this ad has kept us smiling in recent months:
and this morning I was treated to a rare "Number 3." With the appearance and consistency of chutney, (chutney? Nothing is going in his little mouth to account for the appearance and consistency of chutney!) it would have been great if that particular brand of nappies/diapers did what they claimed to on the ad.
Labels: celebrations
23 December 2009
Watching TV
21 December 2009
Can they DO that?
But they're making changes, so they must be enjoying it. We know the front has changed a bit, and we have no idea what manner of mixing around they've done to the inside. And it is, after all, THEIR house, and they may do what they like to it - that's the way it works, isn't it?
Labels: drama
20 December 2009
My Personal Kokoda
Do you think I could possibly WALK to and from Nat's school a few times a week next year?
When the idea came to me from a friend, I said NO! No way! No! and Never! In that order. I said "I will surely die! There's no way that my out-of-training body could make it all that way, let alone make it back again, let alone do it pushing a double stroller and managing an errant 4-year-old on a bike which may possibly need to be pushed home by ME."
And I thought it was madness.
THEN Mr de Elba said I could do it easily and I privately wondered what he had to gain by me dying of a stroke two kilometres from home. But in order to prove his point, he took Nat on a walk to and from school early one morning.
Turns out there's a short cut that does away with some distance and some hill-climbing.
It started sounding more attractive. And I often think of The Accidental Housewife who has had a success getting into her Skinny Jeans through much Hill Walking, and it gives me that oomph I need. For moral support, I also have my friends over at Operation Skinny Cow but I have been a bad little Cowgirl myself, and haven't posted there for a while.
My Skinny Jeans are a sizzling Size 11 boot-cut button-fly in stone-wash denim from Myer Miss Shop, in case you're interested.
I decided that over the six weeks of school holidays, I would have plenty of time to determine if indeed I could walk to and from school without dying beside the road, allowing my children to run free and be raised by wolves.
Not that we've got wolves here.
So - okay - raised by each other. Which is scarier. The average wolf could do a better job.
First Walk: Nat was asleep one afternoon and I took Anna-Lucia and Joseph in the double stroller. I walked down the hill, through the forest, down the next hill and across to the roundabout. I could see the school from there, and found that immensely encouraging. But the children were beginning to cry and I was concerned I wouldn't make it home if I bit off more than I could chew, so we turned around and came home. Uuuuuup the hill! I lived. Great work, Me!
Second Walk: We didn't go further, but it included more challenges. Nat was with us and didn't want to ride his bike (a) down the hills, in case he went too fast and got out of control, or (b) up the hills because they were too steep. So it was quite pointless him even having his bike, but he flatly refused to go without it. Joseph wasn't dressed warmly enough and when the breeze turned into a wind, he got quite cold and grizzled a lot of the way home. And Anna-Lucia saw Nat on his bike and moaned 75% of the way, "I neeed my biiike!" Those words must have been said over a hundred times. When I replied that it was a bad idea because she couldn't even push the pedals, she said, "You can push me with a broom!"
Then she demanded to get out and walk, tripped over the stroller wheels, scraped her knee and OH! the DRAMA! A bleddercut on the knee!
And although she sat down and would not budge two houses from home and Nat decided he couldn't possibly push his bike up the last little bit, I did make it back, alive, with three children, one bike AND my dignity, which is an important factor in the longevity of this Mad Walking Idea.
Third Walk: This morning I was awake early and once Joseph and Anna-Lucia were awake too, I decided to try the walk again, this time unencumbered by a 4-year-old and his bike. I dressed the children warmly and took off. This time we made it all the way to school and back. Oh my! The hills! But I made it, I made it! Alive! It only took me 25 minutes (do remember that this is sans Nat).
I can do this. We have five more weeks to practice before school starts. By then, I hope to be pushing the double stroller up those hills a little easier, and I hope to have Nat a little more independent on his bike.
Labels: me
18 December 2009
Oops. Sorry. My Mistake.
If there's one thing I hate, it's telemarketers. And dead lizards on the lawn. That's two.
If there's two things I hate, it's telemarketers and dead lizards on the lawn. And cleaning up after people. That's three.
Some time ago, the Australian Government (Australian Communications and Media Authority) instituted the Do Not Call register. According to the Do Not Call Register's webpage, "Under the Do Not Call Register Act 2006, telemarketers can check their calling lists against the Do Not Call Register. If a telemarketer calls a number on the Do Not Call Register, they may be in breach of the Act, and may face penalties."
Of course I listed all our numbers as soon as the register became active. Therefore, I get cranky when I get calls from telemarketers.
Recently, I got pretty hot under the collar when I had just started to feed Joseph and jumped up to answer the phone, only to hear the caller say in an accent I could hardly understand, "This call is to inform you that you have been selected to receive a blah-blah-blah mobile phone ..."
Man, I was annoyed. I said in a calm voice (for the caller herself was not at fault) "This is to inform YOU that this phone number is listed with the Do Not Call Register, and therefore your company is not allowed to contact me on this number."
And I hung up.
Then I remembered. I moved house in April. This new phone number is not listed on the register.
Labels: me
Vicar? Cauliflower?
No rhyme. No reason. Just a wacky suggestion. Please direct all queries relating to why she took my advice back to HER.
Labels: crazy sister
17 December 2009
A Number of Things
1. Nie on the Net. You may know how I've been intrigued reading Stephanie Nielson's story over the last year and a half. I'm drawn to this sweet soul whose faith is so different and yet so similar to mine, and who has tasted such suffering. An awe-inspiring two-part story of her accident and recovery has been written by Jaimee Rose, a reporter for azcentral.com, and can be found here: Part One and Part Two. Don't forget to check out the Related Links in the right sidebar.
It is an intriguing read. I want to ignore everything else as I click through the pages, but I find I can't read much without stopping for one of two reasons: if my children are clamouring for me, the story just makes me want to jump up and attend to them as soon as possible. And if they are not clamouring for me, the story just makes me want to jump up and kiss them for No Particular Reason as soon as possible.
2. Remember how I said that Photoshop was totally beyond me? Well, I believe that if something's worth doing, it's worth doing badly until I get better. So I have taught myself how to use layer masks from this tutorial and the first thing I did was smooth out Joseph's skin tone in a recent picture of him (he was having a blotchy day.) I didn't save it so I can't show you. But then I decided to use my new skills to do this (nicer and neater than my previous attempts) and I just had to show you.
3. A little person in a little seat. Look at Joseph sitting up on the table to be a part of the family at breakfast. I love it when kids are right in on the family-eating-at-the-table action. I know it's not always possible for every family, but it's something I get working for us whenever we can.
4. Lego Star Wars. Nat has been playing Lego Star Wars with his Dad on the computer.

5. Bleddercut (n) A cut that bleeds. Nat made up a new word - "bleddercut," meaning a cut that bleeds. He swears black and blue that he learned it from me, and I was the first person who used the word. I never did. Anna-Lucia now uses it in conversation profusely. She stumbled on the road the other day and got a miniscule scrape that bled. Ohhh! What a drama. Then came the drama of the "Bam-Baid" ( Band-aid, or sticking plaster) and then the added drama when the "Bam-Baid" came off in the pool. And I think I may go slightly more loopy if I hear the word "bleddercut" again.
16 December 2009
Oh yes, it rained!
Well, only for about 20 minutes, but it rained! A small person in purple needed no encouragement.
A tiny person got raindrops - REAL raindrops, as in water from the sky - on his sweet little head.
The not-so-small person in red and blue got a little cold, and sat in the shelter for a while.
While this tiny person just sat and enjoyed it all.
Labels: good times
13 December 2009
Anna-Lucia wears briar.claire
MckMama loves these hats from briar.claire and when I saw there was a sale on, I decided to get this gorgeous little one for Anna-Lucia. Guess what? The sale is still on! Hop on over there! (That was a totally unsolicited advertisement for an Etsy seller who I happen to think makes such stylish stuff.)
Labels: jessie
12 December 2009
1. I studied for an "A" and I keep getting "F"s
It's so depressing. I love tidiness, but I can't keep my home tidy enough that my family can't mess it up in a heart beat. I love and treasure my family, but in return they use me as a dumping station and a refuelling station. I'm not sure how much of this taking-for-granted I will accept before I book myself into a nice place with padded walls. Heard of the concept of the "love tank"? Well mine always runs on Low but now it's so Empty I can't seem to fill it up by myself. I am exhausted. Other mums are doing so much better than me. And this is not the time to say, "Oh no they aren't ..." because I've seen them. I've seen their homes. I've seen how their family treasures them. It would be kind of you to lie for me, but really, I don't need it because I know the truth.
2. But 2 year olds aren't supposed to get PMS
3. Funny texts in sensitive situations
It wasn't just my sister - a good friend of mine (a very good friend - someone who made me feel welcome when I moved here, who helps me help others, one of those totally awesome friends you want to hang on to all your life) also turned 30 yesterday. I was at her party last night while Mr de Elba was home with the baby Joseph who cried a lot, Anna-Lucia who did an inordinate amount of crying, saying that "Maisie* is making me sick" and Nat who was still awake at 8:30pm** and I was getting concerned as I received more texts to this effect.
The speeches were lovely. My friend's mum, dad, grandma, cousin, friends and husband all gave speeches that would make anyone cry if such nice things were said about them and in The Moment, I got another text. Eek. I thought I'd better check it.
It was not from Mr de Elba, it was from my Crazy Sister. "Why am I always so gassy when I've got my period?" she asked. Hard to keep a straight face.
* ... who is Maisie? This is Maisie ...
Yeah, makes her SO sick. Boo hoo.
** Now why is he so tired today? Why so naughty? Why did he throw a rotten mango on the freshly cleaned floor? Splat. See? I could keep this place clean if it was just me. But I think I need them, rotten mango and all.
4. Q&A
Nana Tantrum: Oh, I hope so! Please tell me that you have just a little bit of snow! We've had a heat wave here and it's been unbearable. When we moved up the mountain to our new place we thought we wouldn't get this uncomfortably hot, but not so, it seems.
Scurrette: We only got a few drips of rain, then it stopped. Just enough for some pictures with umbrellas, not enough to put much in the tank which I appear to have conveniently drained by leaving the tap on (scoring another F.)
Veiled Turnip: Yes, I do as much editing as I can in Picasa - Photoshop is quite beyond me, but I plan to learn more about it.
Hippomanic Jen: Anna's disappearing jeans did indeed get wet, but not really wet enough to discard. Just wet enough for a small child to get all cranky and demand for them to be discarded.
Labels: crazy sister, jessie, mumfail
11 December 2009
Happy Birthday, Little Girl

Julie Maree,
born 11 December 1979.
I often think of her, wondering what she would look like, who she would be, and whether she would like me being her big sister.
Would she be married? Would she have a career? Would she have children, and be a cool Aunty for my kids?
She died at 7 months of age on 7 July 1980 from neuroblastoma, a rare childhood cancer. I certainly have grieved losing her over the years, but it was truly my parents' pain - I was only 3½.
And now, every time I come across a blog written by parents who have lost a little one to the same disease, I stop and think a little. I pray for them. I thank God that this sorrow is one I have not experienced. And then I pray for the parents again.

Thankyou God for looking after her until we can play again.
Happy 30th Birthday, precious girl.
Labels: celebrations
10 December 2009
The end of an era
Nat has had some wonderful experiences this year including:
Playing all day, every day with the Mobilo - his favourite pastime.

Crazy Hair Day! Some kids had teasing and coloured spray and weird stuff goin' on. Nat just had Wax. His was an Awesome Hair day.
Learning about the postal service - addressing a letter to himself, posting it and seeing it turn up in the letterbox at home. Enjoying the visit from Postie Martin who came and let the kids sit on his bike.

Excursion to the town library and the Fire Station, sitting in a fire engine.

Labels: buzz