16 June 2012


Still pregnant.  Nothing to report.


Tracy P. said...

I can't remember your due date! Our youth minister gave birth the other day several hours after she demonstrated the recreation game at Vacation Bible School. There may have been some hopping around involved. :-)

Givinya De Elba said...

I'm thinking that's the way it might go for me too - shortly after some absurd display of overdoing it (taking the children to the park for example.) The date I have is 19 July, we'll see how far THIS baby can hold out!

Charlie said...

19 JULY?? I can't wait that long! (And it's all about me, right?)

Givinya De Elba said...

That's fine - I can't wait that long either! And I'm sure that none of us will.

gartcott aka Penny Hannah said...

This too will pass.. Hope you're keeping well and nesting like crazy. Less than a month to go now.

gartcott aka Penny Hannah said...

Less than a month to go - hope you're keeping well.

gartcott aka Penny Hannah said...

Less than a month to go - hope you're keeping well.