11 January 2011

Flood Video

Here is Mr de Elba's flood video, filmed from his window at work.

It's terrifying to see people's cars washed away, but people lost their lives in this, which is infinitely worse.  There was not much for Mr de Elba and his colleague to do here except stay put and keep their spirits up.  People were watching their cars but unable to save them.

UPDATED:  And all this happened on a day which was light green - low (25% to 50%) chance of rainfall!  This is the long-range forecast that plunged me into the depths of gloom when I posted it on Boxing Day.


  1. oh my! that was insane..!! i can't believe how insane that was....

  2. yikes. that guy who moved his car is lucky. once flood waters come they can come very fast.

    i know a family who died in their car on main street in a town near where i live. the thing about flood water is that once the water comes, it sometimes takes the pavement underneath and leaves a hole and there's no telling the depth.

    only thing to do is get the hell out, and fast.

    good luck to you guys, and i'm sorry about the beastly weather. thanks for the view of it, though.

    at my house it's been nothing but snow, and the plow guy is here now digging me out. tomorrow i'll figure out where to start piling the stuff to build this year's snow fort.

    the tricky bit will be figuring out how to keep my neighbor kids off of it.

    so. i'll keep you in my prayers.

    zingus. what kind of a capcha word is that?

  3. just saw this footage on the news!

  4. Oh Taz. You are right. Mr de Elba's video has gone viral in the last few hours. It is all over the world, all over Twitter, and I'm feeling a bit weird about that. We're trying to keep the horrible trolling comments down, but it's all happening so fast.

  5. Wow! You're famous! I saw this on the Sydney Morning Herald website. I hope you get some dosh for it.

  6. I just read some of the comments, most are lovely, but some people out there are tossers! Please don't take them to heart.

  7. It is truly shocking what some of them are saying. Funny how much of it comes from ignorance. Many say that he should have warned people - well, they are ignorant of the fact that that's a commuter carpark and many car owners were in other parts of the city and also out of town. Once the waters came up further than usual in heavy rain, any locally-working car owners were well warned and standing by watching helplessly.

    It's pretty awful what people think they can say on the internet.

  8. You guys have definitely been in my thoughts as I see the flooding on tv! Pray you all stay safe!

  9. Sandy Bowes (Shield) - Bundy11 January, 2011 16:04

    We'd seen the video on the SMH website before Bruce sent the link thru. Glad & thankful you are all safe. Laughed til I cried at "Musically naked".
    Sandy Bowes (Shield) - Bundy

  10. This is amazing. I trust you and the family are safe.

  11. Wow!

    So sorry to hear that is happening around you. Hoping & praying that all will be well again for you soon.

  12. Wow. Nature's fury unleashed! I am glad that Mr. was safe, and also that he was able to capture what power flash floods can exhibit. People need to know how very dangerous they are, and if there's any chance of one near them, GET OUT AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE!

    And now you're famous. Wow. To think I knew you when.... :)

    (Word Verification: fleed) (how appropriate is that?)

  13. I've been wondering how you all have fared. I imagine the Mr. was in a state of shock watching this pass by the window! I think we all know the internet is both good and bad!

    Nana Tantrum

  14. We were visiting town and had an SOS from my little sister to pick her up from work. We had no idea what had happened until we started getting phone calls from friends & relatives to check we were all okay!! The video footage is just incredible. We're hoping to get back home today (I'm supposed to be back at work but had to call & let them know I'll get there when I can). Take care. Dani

  15. so glad you are ok - this is beyond words - all my love le xox

  16. Ignore all the bad comments they are delivered in ignorance and annonimity by people who have no idea what they are talking about.
    Keep safe.
    Anne Jones


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!