12 January 2011

Autocorrect Fails

What a disaster.  As 75% of our state reels from this horrible flooding and our old stomping ground goes under today, I feel the need to lighten the mood, even for just today.  I'm amazed that two years in a row, my birthday has been the date-to-remember for natural disasters.  Haiti earthquake, Queensland flood, and last and most definitely least on the world scale,unbearable media exposure for the wife of Mr de Elba.  Here is a post I put together last night with a view to saving it for a ... sunnier day.  Well, I saw the sun this morning, so I guess this is it.

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This is the site that has kept me laughing til I cry recently.  The LOLcats used to do it for me, I've read everything Allie Brosh has written, and now, I'm reading ...

DYAC shows screen captures mostly of iPhones showing horrible errors due to the "autocorrect" function changing words just prior to the hapless senders hitting "send."

I want to show you some that have made me laugh loud and long and clear, but because I want to keep my site pretty above-board, I will weed out ones that may have made me LOL, but have words that I don't really want on Killing A Fly.  You know, ones like this and this.  Hilarious, but containing words that my young nieces may not have heard.  Move on, young nieces, move on.


  1. Still laughing. :D

    And... did I miss your birthday? Not too surprising since I don't think I ever knew when it was, but still... damn.

  2. Hilarious! Glad your sense of humor isn't soggy.

    May you feel celebrated by your family in spite of Mother Nature's poor taste in celebratory activity.

    (And for the record, I first typed "...in spit of...". My problem is more often that I DON'T have autocorrect.)

  3. When we had a major snowstorm here last month on my birthday, I declared it to be Mother Nature's way of throwing confetti - great, giant heaps of white confetti - in my honor.

    Perhaps you could do the same spin for yours?

    And - HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEAR!!!! Didn't realize the momentousness of the occasion whilst we were chatting before - the siren call of iiiiiiice creeeeeeeeam totally fogged my mind!

    Hope it is a fantabulous day despite media and rain!


  4. Happy belated birthday to you!
    Oh and I want to be there when you explain to those young nieces what WTF really means ;o)

  5. Uuuh ... it means "Wow That's Funny." Every body knows that. Yes. Sure it does.

  6. Happy birthday! I'm sorry it had another disaster on it.

    I love that site. You showcased some good (clean) ones!

  7. My attention span being decidedly gnat-like, I thought you must have been in Haiti for your birthday last year. It was funny, because I don't remember you having any recent holidays OS.

    Don't worry, I've got it now.

  8. Oh my, I needed that so much. Damn floods. I'll take damn auto correct any day!

    Thank you!

  9. OKay. That was funny. Glad you are all safe! Happy late birthday!

  10. According to the fantabulous new sitcom here on American TV called "Modern Family" (if you can, you ought to watch - it is hilarious), WTF = Why the Face. Which, by the by, is a much more simple thing to exclaim in front of the kid, as the spouse knows what it meant but the kid just thinks a face is being made. Heh.

  11. I love this website! My faves on this list are the arrested and divorced ones! Too funny!!

  12. thank you - I needed that laugh...

  13. I don't have autocorrect on my dinosaur phone so all of my mistakes are usually genuine.
    Some friends do have it and they've had these moments also. Funny to read.
    Been watching the news of the flooding and just thinking of you all and praying it will all subside soon. Crazy weather!
    ♥ Joy

  14. Oh my poor pelvic floor - this is soooo hilarious! "We are going to divorce ..." Baaahhahahahaaaahaaaa! You are the coolest!


    PS - It has been soooo long since I have logged on to Google that I have no idea what my password is! If you remember it, could you pass it on!

  15. I narrowly missed a bad one once when I asked my dad to bring mum's sew (didn't bother with the ing) machine. Thankfully this time I checked before I sent and found that it had said sex machine. Some dads may have seen the funny side but mine wouldn't. Phew.

    Love this post Kate :)


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!