08 December 2010

Call me Murphy

Just as I was beginning to think that perhaps you should be calling me Buckley, things started looking up.

It started, as many happy things do, with the doorbell ringing.  A friendly Australia Post man asked how my day was going and I told him that by the look of the two lovely parcels at his feet, I suspected it was going very well indeed.

I signed for the parcels and took them inside.  One was from a nice bunch of people who kindly took my money in exchange for a Nativity Set, and the other was - OH JOY - from Go Fish!  My giant order of many CDs had finally come!

It came two hours too late to give one to Buzz's class teacher as a Christmas Gift, but she was happy enough with the CD we did give her.  However, it came just in time to give one to a small young man of our acquaintance who was turning a year older and wished us to attend his most excellent party.

And to top it off, I put some wires along my back fence for my passionfruit and my raspberries to climb along.  I am never happier than when I'm outside creating something useful for my garden using my cordless drill and my lovely blue screwdrivers.

And to think - I was initially planning to spend this afternoon on the phone to Australia Post to ask where my parcel had got to.

Call me Murphy.


  1. Australia post at the front door always makes for a fabulous day!!

  2. Oh never mind, there 'tis! WOOHOO for you!!!

  3. Glad it came1 But somewhat confused as to why it was 2 hours too late to give to the teacher? Is school out already for you? I've been curious about your school calendar.

  4. Well, I gave the second-choice CD to the teacher at 9:00am and the post came to our front door at about 11:00am. Truth be told, I probably wouldn't have change it over if the post had come before the giving, the second-choice CD was all wrapped and everything!

    Today was the third last day of school in the school year for the State Schools in Queensland. Private schools wrap up one or two weeks earlier. Now we have our big 6-week summer holidays (sorry - vacation!) and the new school year starts again on 24 Jan.

  5. Only 6 weeks for summer/holiday break? We have around 10 depending on how many snow days we get in the school year. Wondering if you get any time off during the school year? For example in 1 1/2 weeks, I'll be off for 2 weeks for Christmas Break. In the spring, I'll have a week off for spring break. In the fall, I have a long week end for fall break.

  6. Okay. Now I understand yesterday's post.

  7. So, did this REALLY happen the day after your lovely picture story or did it happen before and then you decided to trick us and get another post out of it?? :)
    Either way - pretty amazing timing.

  8. No seriously - it truly did happen! I felt sill y for posting that picture post after all. I'd held off for WEEKS and finally decided that it wasn't coming, so I posted my pics. Crazy huh?

  9. How funny! Glad they came. You could have done another picture post to say they had, but it may have been too confusing!! :)


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!