07 December 2010

Google Image Story

I have something very frustrating to tell you.  But I am sick of the sound of my own typing, so instead I will use my old friend Google Image Search to find pictures that will help you understand what's going down.


  1. It will come. Cheer up, little kitty.

  2. If a picture says a thousand words, you really need to practice concision.

  3. I think I know what's going on but then again, pictures confuse me. ;)

  4. You ordered your Grandmother's rap music CD but thanks to the post office your order is in the toliet so your cat is sad?

  5. I'm confused and after an 11 hour shift my brain is too tired to even try and work it out!

  6. I am guessing your package is off keeping my long-lost Christmas-moving-new baby package company...

    Hope your mailbox is full soon!

  7. Aw!! So sorry to see that! I suppose overnighting some to you would be a little pricey, huh? :-(

  8. I love this post.

    It is like the interpretive dance version of blogging!



Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!