09 December 2010

Search for: "sense-of-humour" - ERROR: file not found.

You'd think that if a woman breezed into a newsagency, marched straight to the stationery section and then went over to the counter, slapped some SuperGlue down and said, "Ninth of December and we've already broken Baby Jesus," that the assistant would laugh, make a joke or somehow acknowledge the humour of the situation.  But you'd be wrong.
Baby Jesus is fixed.


  1. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

    Well you gave ME a good laugh :)

  2. Maybe she's catholic and doesn't understand that other faiths display Jesus BEFORE Christmas :o/

  3. I happen to be Catholic and display Jesus before Christmas...maybe the clerk was an Atheist.

  4. I'm sure she was laughing on the inside. :)

  5. Haha - I would have laughed! Perhaps she laughed half an hour later when she finally got what you meant.

  6. Glad you got baby Jesus all fixed up!

    I would have laughed.

    After all, I am the RE teacher who, when getting my grade 2 class to put the different characters into the scene got the wise men travelling all around the room to get from Herod's Palace to Bethlehem only to discover I'd FORGOTTEN THE BABY!!!!

    The classroom teacher DID laugh.

    Not what I was going for.

    (Just for our friends from the US, in Queensland we are still permitted to have Religious Education in state (public)schools, and those parents who don't want it can write to the school to excuse their kids.)

  7. That's a beautiful nativity set.

    Was the clerk about 12 years old? They all seem to be these days.

  8. I'm amazed that Baby Jesus wasn't plastic.

  9. We were given a lovely, ceramic Nativity set as a wedding present. At the time, we had a cat who *loved* to play soccer (erm, football to you then) with the figurines. Her favorites were the sheep and Baby Jesus. I made many a comment back in those days about how Baby Jesus was lost again because the cat had drop-kicked Him off the edge of the entertainment center.

    That poor baby Jesus - he spent so much time lost amongst the dust bunnies under the couch or behind the bookcase, with only a stray lamb or cat toy for company...

    In closing, I totally would've laughed. Hee!

  10. Geez. Tough crowd. That was very obviously funny. We had a wise man broken last year. I put my son in time out, and the unfortunate wise man was paid a high price to revenge Mummy. We've glued him back together but he now literally has a chip on his shoulder. I was relieved at the time that it wasn't a central character to the story, such as baby Jesus. How did Jesus get himself into such a predicament anyway?


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!