25 November 2010

Time for an extreme makeover

Me, entering the bathroom: Okay Jessie, time to hop out of the shower.
Jessie, who must have had her eyes shut: Who is that?  Is that you Dad?
Me: What?!  You can't tell from my voice?!?

It reminded me of the time that a man on a bike cycled up to me, stared at my face and said, "Hello, Richard."


  1. You have a perfectly feminine voice. It's just that Mr de Elba has... No. He doesn't sound like a girl. She wouldn't have been hearing right under the noise of the shower.

  2. Someone called you Richard?

    Bahahahahaha how wierd!

  3. I'm sorry, but that is just too funny!!

  4. "Hello Richard" is gold. I'm picturing your face after he said it...


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!