28 November 2010

We have a worm farm!

Which is a bit like having 1000 new pets.


  1. Beautiful! I thought they'd be too small for Jessie to be comfortable with, in light of her Tiny Animal Phobia?

  2. Strange, hey? But I built this up, she was very excited, I said they would be like pets, and she helped me buy them and the farm. Must have helped!

  3. Gotta love worms! We have a huge worm farm and the kiddies just love them.

  4. Ooooh! I so want a worm farm. My Mum gave my brother-in-law a worm farm for Christmas one year and I was jealous!

  5. So I'm hoping that you keep them outside? Though I am laughing at the though of them getting loose in the house. That could be a slimy mess if someone doesn't realize they're loose until they step on them.

  6. I hope your worm farm is more successful (sp?) than mine! My silly worms are too fussy and don't do what they should!!

  7. So I'm now expecting you to become the "Pioneer Woman" of the worm ranching business. I can't wait to see the photos of your family out at dawn to work the worms. The shots of branding and castrating them, preg-testing them, out in the middle of winter feeding them and chopping the ice so that they can get water, fixing fences. Some shots of the good-lookin' sorts who help to work them, perhaps?

    Might I be a tad too imaginative for worms?

  8. She and Bethany are soul sisters. Love that!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!