15 August 2010

Lovely Links

If you check my navigation bar above, you'll see a new tab: "Links."  My Links page shows each blog I follow, along with a little description of them.  As with this sort of thing, I am sure there are wonderful bloggers I have left off, and if you feel that your blog has been left off my list, please let me know.  If you lurk here and would like me to check your blog out, let me know about that too!


  1. I'm seriously considering changing my blog name to "***A1A1A1Reaching For Green" just so I can be first (alphabetically) on that list.

    Thanks for writing all those thoughtful and kind descriptions. It must have taken you ages.

  2. Aw, shucks! You're so nice!

    That gives me some more good ones to check out. Too bad I can't sit around and read blogs all day. Thank you!

  3. You've always had a great looking(and reading) site. I especially love your banner.

  4. Thanks for the kind words!!
    You are such a lovely friend to have ((hugs))

    Word Ver is back. Naughty spammers

  5. LOVE the page. It is really, awesome. :)

  6. Yes, Word Verification is back. I've had some quite hilarious spam. I think I need to do a post on it.

    Thankyou all for such lovely words.

  7. Thank you for your lovely description of me and my blog. I am so pleased to hear that you enjoy reading. I always enjoy your posts - you are very good at this blogging thing :)

  8. Aw, thanks so much for the kind write up and for including me! :-D

    I believe we met on SITS waaaay back in the day, did we not? That's how I met most of my blogging friends back in the early days of my blog...

    One of these days, my schedule will settle down and I'll be able to catch up with you on Google Chat, too! Promise! :-)



Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!