12 August 2010

It's windy today.


  1. Yep! Your street looks like my street! Not sure how all the bins are going to get emptied...

  2. I currently have a murder of crows huddled together in my garden - the wind is too strong for them to be in the trees!

    Hmm, de Elba - did you go and knock down all those bins for a photo op?? Hmmmm..... Interesting thought....


  3. Your nephew is aghast at the potential for mess. I have reassured him that the bins seem to have been emptied.

    Lucky for your street.

  4. our street looks very similar. I had to check we still had all our outdoor furniture and luckily we did.

  5. Today would be a good day for my sister NOT to fasten a tarpaulin onto her clothes line.

    The bins were empty at the time thankfully! I saw the poor garbo doing his rounds though: drive a little, stop, hop out, right the bin, press the button to empty it, hop in, drive a little, hop out ... I felt really sorry for him today.

    I love the way you think B! I didn't knock over the bins for the photo op, but I did feel like a lazy twerp for walking past them to take the photo without standing them back up. But let's be honest, the wind would have blown them right over again, and I would have looked even more stupid.

  6. I'm looking and amazed that you all have the same green with yellow lid garbage cans!
    Even more amazing, my word verification is wistera!

  7. In our street, if your bin is still out an hour after being emptied, you are frowned upon! Loads of frowns going our way!! I once saw a neighbour standing out in the rain for at least a few minutes while waiting for the garbage man to come and empty his bin!

  8. Mamma Has Spoken - everyone has the same bin because they are provided by the council, and they are colour coded depending on what they're for. It changes from council to council, but where I live it's green with a green lid for green (garden) waste, green with a yellow lid for recycling and black with a red lid for household rubbish.

  9. My garbage cans (what we call them in the USA) are the same color! And where I live in the Pacific Northwest, the wind is a problem a lot of the time. Garbage cans may not only be tipped over, but yours could be a block or more away!

    Nana Tantrum

  10. When we lived in California I was one of the only "stay at home people" on our street. The wind would blow like crazy and the empty trash cans would blow all down the streets on trash day. I'd chase them down and take them back up to the rightful houses. (yes, I was bored)....
    If those people only knew...their cans would be in the next county on some of those blustery days.
    Your picture brought back that memory for me. :) hmmm I wonder what happened to their cans after I moved??
    ♥ Joy


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!