31 August 2010

I've done it again

This whole Not Blogging thing and the Thinking Of Something Half-Interesting But Forgetting What It Was By The Time I Sit Down To Blog thing.  It's got to stop.

I wonder what the eight or so semi-interesting things I thought of were since I last blogged?  I could sit here and attempt to remember a few of them, then try to cobble together something interesting to say about them and make you wish you'd turned the TV on instead.

But then, perhaps you should have turned the TV on instead of reading this.

Oh wait.  I've just remembered one of them.

I heard on the radio today that Victoria's rainfall "has now returned to average levels."  That hurt my brain.  The implication was that Victoria's rainfall has been unseasonably high or low - knowing Australia, it's probably been low.  Surely this means that now there is a new "average"?  And so it's a bit silly to say that rainfall has "returned" to average, when ... oh you get it.  I've got a sore throat and my nose is running.  I'm going to bed.

Yep.  Definitely should have put the TV on.


  1. Dear meteorologists, please don't comment in depth explaining how rainfall averages are calculated. I can't take it in right now.

  2. I'd rather read your cobbled together post than compose one of my own. I'm blaming the fact that I'm on a borrowed computer and my actual brain is in the other one.

    But that excuse will only last until the computer is back. Which will be a week or more, so hey! I'll milk it for all it's worth until then.

  3. I can't tell you about averages. I can tell you that it's been raining a LOT. Part of me rejoices that our water storage total is now at 41.3% (hasn't been that high in YEARS). The other part of me is ready to jump in front of a train because I'm so desperate to see the sun for more than 2 minutes at a time.

    The word verification is 'explat'. That's the sound my body will make when I jump in front of that train...

  4. I love it when Dad tells his maths class that half of them scored below the class average. The clever kids get a good laugh out of that.

    (Because, hello, half of them have to score below the average, or it isn't the average.)

  5. I too am lacking interesting things to blog about!
    Is that a sign that we are becoming boring in our older age or that we are just too busy doing other important things. I tend to hope it's the latter...

  6. Great to hear from you even if it doesn involve mathematical implosion of my brain.

    I think you must be right, though.

  7. I like that Crazy Sister thought she should explain herself at the end of her comment. Does she think you didn't inherit the mathematical gene?

  8. At least you have mustered some blog posts.

    I think we need to stage something interesting and cool so that we all have something to write about. We turned up at a major retailer the other to find a group of around 50 people wearing pretty much the same thing doing a very detailed dance. Could we do something like that? No, no, that is not cool... We need to plan something, then all our blogs will be filled with interesting things and people would wish that they were as cool as us.

    Maths is not cool. It hurts brains. Words are much nicer.

  9. Woman, the fact that you took the time to write that with a headcold is impressive enough. Who cares whether it was coherent?


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!