01 September 2010

Did I do okay?

Today Jessie asked me, "Why do we have chins?"

I answered, "To hold our teeth up."

Was that right?


  1. I think it was a good answer or you could tell him this...
    the chin is an adaptive response to resist stresses caused by oblique contractions of the genioglossus muscles during speech.
    I found it on google. But I like your answer better.
    ♥ Joy

  2. I think it was a brilliant answer!

  3. It was probably a more satisfactory answer than to give us a surface to rest on our fists when we're too tired to hold our heads up.

  4. Good answer. I must remember that. You never know when a clever answer will be required, and it's much easier to steal someone else's.

  5. I would have said, "to stop our tongues flopping all over our necks" but that answer may produce nightmares...


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!