24 August 2010

What does Qualison mean?

(A post for Taz.)

Buzz has been very excited to learn the alphabet.  His school follows Letterland, and together we've learned about Lucy Lamplight, Impy Ink, Talking Tess, Eddie Elephant, Red Robot, Annie Apple, Clever Cat and Yellow Yo-Yo Man.

Over the last few weeks, Buzz has been excitedly telling me about Qualison Queen - a letter that he hadn't done yet but was going to do in the near future.  Qualison Queen was to be the final letter of the 26, and when he'd completed Qualison Queen, that would mean he was finished the alphabet!  He has been was so excited!

But I wasn't sure what Qualison meant.  I asked him, and he assured me that the word was Qualison, even though he couldn't explain what it meant.  Today I was in the classroom, and took the opportunity to check out the Qualison Queen on the wall to see if I could work out what Qualison meant.

Oh.  I get it now.


  1. Our Kindergarten students use to do the letter people too. Loved it when they did the wedding of q and u (because you don't see q without u) but they never explain how u could be seen with other letter people...

  2. Oooh how adulterous! Loving the idea of Letters cheating on each other!

  3. We had letter people too back when I was in kindy (in the dark ages otherwise known as "the early 70s"). I was already reading by kindergarten, though, precocious pipsqueak that I was, so I wasn't allowed to join in for letter learning time but instead was hustled off to the Gifted and Talented program with the other 6 kids in kindergarten who could already read. I was bitter and resentful to be missing out on that, especially with the letter people posters all around the room that had to remain a mystery to me. Each letter person had a song too, and our teacher would play her guitar and sing the song for my classmates, whereas the seven of us who were deemed beyond such things had to sit up in Dr. Hearn's office (that always smelled of tuna fish) doing boring "mind puzzles" and whatnot. Humph.

    Kiddo's kindy had no such jolly letter people, so I'm glad to hear that they live on for Buzz and his classmates!

  4. Amusing irony that children find no meaning in the word quarrelsome! Too funny!

  5. That's funny! Mystery solved.

    Letterland works pretty well, expecially next year in schooling when they learn all these stories about how the letters interact, force sounds onto each other, go silent etc. There's a reason for everything!

  6. Thanks for clearing that up. When I saw the post on my bloglist I thought I'd be learning some technical speechy thing.

    I too am amuses that your kids don't understand the term quarrelsome, when you've said so many times on this blog that they DO it really well!

  7. haha that's so cute :) :) I'll be sure to explain 'quarrelsome' to my kids ... ;p


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!