15 May 2010

A Bloke In Peril

Today at the supermarket I saw a bloke in peril.  I knew he was in peril because he was carrying some packs of newborn nappies, a box of breast pads and was standing in front of the maternity pads, talking on his mobile phone.

All those who know what this means for him and his wife, please sigh now.**


When he hung up I asked if he needed help, but he seemed to be okay.  He smiled and mumbled something about something having started a few days ago and him only "getting away" now, and then he mumbled something about three hours sleep.  But he also mumbled that he was okay and said something about it being Number Four.

I took that to mean that the peril he was in was of the been-there-managed-that kind, and left him to his vague wanderings.

The dear family.  I feel like I know them.  I know what they're doing tonight, at any rate.

** - you don't need to be married or have kids to join in with this.


  1. My brother in law could have used someone helpful like you when my sister sent him out on a similar errand shortly after their only child was born. She sent him out for pads and another maternity bra. He came home with several packs of pads, three boxes of nappies, two heaters and two maternity bras, BOTH the wrong size. He said, "They didn't have the size you wanted so I got the one above and the one below."

    Eight years later we're still teasing him about that...

  2. Oh, poor guy. I hope they both get some sleep soon.

  3. the poor fella. Swift Jim is never excited when i send him on a pad errand lol

  4. Oh yes, I feel for him. Perhaps her sending him out on that errand is her way of nudging him towards wanting 'the snip'.

    Oh, what a perfectly horrible thing to say. I wish them both well with all their little blessings - may they have many more...

  5. My husband has been in that situation too... altho he has no worries about buying sanitary items, thankfully!!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!