18 May 2010

A new insult

In honour of this beastly 666th post I shall inform you of a new insult Jessie slung at Buzz the other night.  She called him -if you can believe this- an "SB".  Hideous, I know.

It went down like this:

Mr de Elba: I think I'll put this onto a USB.

Buzz, contemplatively: ...hmm, USB...

Jessie, cranky and contradictory: I'm NOT!!!  You're SB!!!


  1. Well, fair enough. It's tough on a girl being called SB with no provocation...

  2. The little sister is ALWAYS the victim. There must be a rule about that somewhere. She just is. If he says it, it's about her. If he does it, he does it TO her. If he lives, he lives to offend her. Good times. ;-)

  3. veiledturnip19 May, 2010 13:05

    Soo adorable!

  4. Whew. For a minute there I thought she was casting aspersions as to my character.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!