10 November 2009

I love my children

But frankly,

I'm getting a little sick of this rot:


  1. It could be worse. Imagine if one of the older ones bit the baby...

    (What? Too soon??)

    Seriously, though, you have my sympathy. I can only imagine the frustration of crying, "WHYYYYYY? Why would you do this??" when, for children, there is no 'why'; there is just 'well this looks like fun'.

  2. Is it possible to leave it there and force them to use it bit by bit over the next week or so?

  3. I know, I know - put the toilet paper "in a high place".

    Can you string it from the light?

  4. At least its not all shoved in the toilet and over flowing.

  5. Oh yes, Crazy Sister, oh yes!

    It may not surprise you to learn that this very event occurred about a fortnight ago. I piled all the paper up into a plastic storage box and put it beside the toilet.

    They (okay, HE, though he was not the perpetrator that time) had to use it piece by piece until it was finished. I helped a bit.

    THAT box of paper has only just been used up and a fresh roll placed there.

    And so you see what happened, and won't be too surprised to learn that there is yet another box of paper beside the toilet.

  6. Wouldn't it be easier just to unroll the toilet paper as soon as you buy it, and to leave it all in a box beside the loo instead of putting it on the roll? Clearly that's what they prefer... ;)

  7. At least the seat is down. I am surounded by boys and the seat is.always.up. :)

  8. :/ there is nothing more annoying than that. i feel your pain!

  9. I can't stop laughing, sorry!

    Perhaps you could fit one of those annoying public toilet roll dispensers that only allows you to roll off one sheet at a time?

  10. Oh! I DREAM of fitting one of those!!!

  11. Little kids really ARE like puppies, aren't they?

  12. How did you get a picture of my bathroom?!!

    Drives me CRAZY!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!