09 November 2009

Dogs get put down for less

Hi! I'm Joseph. Check this out:

This here - get a closer look:

We all know what makes that sort of mark. That's a bite.

The way I see it, the reason why I have such a bad bite on me at this age is simply that I have a bigger brother and a bigger sister.

So at 6:00am SHE's in my cot with me and we're chilling out together quite happily, then HE gets in the cot too and starts picking me up because he can't leave well enough alone, and SHE gets all screamy because we were having a good time and then SHE gets so mad at HIM that SHE bites ME. Because that makes sense to her.

And then she's all "I'm sowwy Doe-feff" but I'm still not so sure.



  1. Poor doe-feff! If it makes you feel better, my baby brother suffered worse at my hands (and teeth) but I really did love him and we grew up to be good friends :-)

  2. OW!! Bethany was never bitten, but Ben did think it was exciting to turn her bouncy seat upside down with her in it.

  3. Oh poor, Joseph. So if she bite Joseph b/c she was mad at Nat, then I don't want to see what she will do if she is made at Joseph. Nat better watch his back.

  4. Oh his little pouty lip in the bottom picture is breaking my heart.


  5. yes I often show my bro, now 28, how much I love him by giving him a nice bite on the forehead - nothing says sibling affection like teeth marks on your face.

  6. Oh, I'm so relieved, because initially I thought the dog did it and would have to have agreed that if Jaz had bitten a child there was a one way trip to the vet coming.

    Fortunately it doesn't work the same way for daughters, but I'm still sorry for poor Joseph.

  7. Ironically, I feel Joseph is safer from bites when he's with Jaz than when he's with his siblings. And I still supervise vigilantly when he's with Jaz.

    (Bites from A-L are extremely rare, but they do happen. And every owner of a dog who has bitten a child says, "I thought they were perfectly safe!")

    So do I need to supervise the children as closely as if they were pitbulls?

  8. Oh, poor little mite. Both of them.

  9. I would never think to bite someone on the forehead. I imagine I'd go for an ear or nose.

  10. Poor baby! I imagine he'll get his own back one day very soon ;)

  11. Oh my goodness, poor little baby! Until I had children, I didn't remember how bad sibling rivalry can be.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!