11 November 2009

In the middle of the night ...

... I heard Anna-Lucia whimpering. I woke up and could feel her little body lying on our bed between me and Mr de Elba, down near our legs and partly lying across mine.

Poor little lamb. A few times recently, she has half-woken up, wandered around a little disoriented and fallen asleep on her bedroom floor. I'd need to take her back to her warm bed and snuggle her down.

In the darkness, I wrapped my arms around her little tummy. I tried to lift her, but she wasn't easily moved. A sleeping child is quite difficult to carry sometimes.

I tried again, putting more effort into lifting her. But still she didn't move. I heaved one more time - no luck.

It was about then that I realised my arms were not wrapped around Anna-Lucia.

They were wrapped around my husband's thigh.

However I didn't realise this BEFORE I patted around northwards of her "torso" to see if I could find her head ...

Pat, pat, pat.

Oh. Sorry.


  1. Now that's funny! You must be so sleep deprived.

  2. Hahaha... so funny! Reminds me of a friend whose cat jumped on the bed in the morning. My friend was sleeping on her side, husband behind her, and the cat settled in behind my friend's knees. She reached behind her sleepily to pat the cat then felt what she thought was a bald patch and a weeping wound. In her half-asleep state she said to her husband, "What's this? Here, where my fingers are?" Her husband opened his eyes, looked at the cat and my friend's hand, and said, "Well... that would be his bum hole..."

    Moral: always check which way the cat is lying before you start patting it.

  3. That's gold! A pity that you are so blind without your contacts! :)

  4. That's just FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Hilarious! I bet someone other than Anna Lucia had a hard time going back to sleep.

  6. This made me laugh out loud. Hope you didn't hurt him.

    This is also so funny to me because it is something that I totally would have done.

  7. Hahaha! Funny what tricks our brains can play on us when we're sleep-deprived.

  8. So funny. Sounds like Anna-Lucia isn't the only one wandering around a little disoriented.


  9. Oh this is gold.

    Thankyou for making me realise I'm not the only one that does those sorts of things!

  10. Hilarious!

    This totally made me think of a certain scene from one of my favorite holiday movies (as American Thanksgiving is coming up in just 2 weeks):



  11. Now that is pure gold!
    I must admit, i have done the same thing.....except it was a cat i was reaching for, not a child :P

  12. This has given me just the laugh I was after! I LOVE that you shared this story!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!