15 August 2009

Gold Bunny

When we moved to this lovely house, I knew it was time to start growing roses - something I've always wanted to do. At our previous home, I couldn't get a shovel into the earth despite the fact that 50 years ago, our block and the surrounding land was an orchard.

Here, the earth is soft and rich, and smells all ... you know ... soft and rich. And earthy. Time to grow roses.

With the help of my Dad, I quickly put in 13 new roses, and there's space for 3 or 4 more. I've enjoyed seeing them shoot new growth despite the fact that I've been a bit out-of-commission with the Rest and the Caesarean and the Baby and all.

Here is our first rose - a Gold Bunny. It's a floribunda with lovely rich foliage and BEE-YOO-TI-FUL yellow blooms.


  1. I love roses when they're covered with fresh, new foliage and then they blossom...

    And then they get attacked by aphids and get all scraggily.

    But that is one beautiful bloom.

  2. Gorgeous. I love yellow roses.

  3. Roses are my favourite!! Well done you!! I probably would have killed the plant!! lol

    Your gold bunny is stunning xx

  4. Wow, that is really gorgeous. I'd love to live in a house long enough to grow roses! Or anything, actually. This current house has two palm trees, and that. is. all. Last year's house had a fully developed garden, about 30 years old I'd guess. It was beautiful, and I miss it.

  5. Get out! You grew that? with all the other stuff you have had on? Well done - it is beautiful!

  6. Wow! Gorgeous! I can practically smell that one. I thought it was winter where you live. :-)

  7. oh wow! :) it's gorgeous!! :) good job! :)

  8. When Kiddo was baptized (at 9 weeks old), our pastor gave us a teeny, tiny rose bush to commemorate the event. A lovely gesture, and we promptly planted it in one of the flower gardens in our back yard. The first year, it soldiered on with the growing and the blooming - deep pink, lovely rose buds (have no idea what kind of rose it was) that opened into lovely but not overly fragrant flowers.

    Then, it happened. IT was a "sucker" shoot that sprung up quite voraciously. IT sprouted a few rosebuds of its own. As this was my first ever rose bush and I knew precious little about rose growing and care, I didn't realize that IT was evil and needed to be removed. However, some friends of ours were over for dinner one night and they *did* grow roses, and both of them told us we MUST cut the EVIL IT off immediately or it would kill our actual baby rosebush. So, we did.

    And the rosebush pretty much died at that point, as though the sucker was the sole life force for the whole bush. Further following our rose-growing friends' advice, we cut it back to almost nothing (a "hard pruning") and were assured by said friends that the bush would come back and thrive the following year.

    Nope. Never did. It stayed about 4 inches high at best, managing a meager bloom or two at most each following year. We didn't even bother to dig it out and bring it with us when we moved, but I wasn't exactly sad or even wistful about leaving it behind, since it had been naught but frustration for me and my fairly green thumbs.

    That was my first and last experience with growing roses. So you can see that I am *extremely* impressed with your Gold Bunny! :D

  9. Didn't know you had a greenthumb. Beautiful yellow rose. I hope its the first of many blooms to come.


  10. dDes it have a beautiful rosey smell? Its a wonderful colour.

  11. Wow impressive. You can grow beautiful children and beautiful flowers. You are truly a wonder woman.

  12. Is it weird that I think that this rose looks just like you in your "new" motherhood? I picture you being all delicate and beautiful and with a hazy glow about you. Sigh.

  13. Well, if you'd like an introduction to the local rose society... :)

  14. Ooh, sounds good! First we'd better see if my thumbs are green, or if I'd just disgrace myself at the rose society. :) Hoping thumbs are green.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!