16 August 2009

I went to put my drink down ...

... on what I thought was a round, white coaster.

Then I remembered we don't own any round, white coasters.

Turns out it was a used breast pad.

Crazy Times.


  1. You know the mantra: "repair, reuse, recycle..."

    I'm just putting that out there.

  2. Annnnnnd, I'm falling off my chair laughing.

  3. I don't know, you COULD think of it as a breast coaster. It's fulfilling the same basic purpose. And it could have been worse. At least you didn't eat your dinner off a large White placemat that wasn't there before!

  4. Most effective! I hope you went ahead and used it. :-)

  5. Sweet...I dropped one of those in the kitchen with baby #1 and my mother-in-law thought it was an all-in-one coffee and filter thing. Worst coffee ever...

  6. Great way to re-use. Your being kind to the planet. ;)

    I'm good with it.


  7. I see no problem with this.

  8. Those were all over the house when I was nursing, so I can identify!

  9. you have a brand new baby and are still taking the time to try to use a coaster? I am impressed!

  10. That's brilliant. I couldn't think of a better non-breastmilk-soaking-device use.

    In fact, I still have a whack of breastpads left over...thanks for the idea! In fact, I wonder if anyone has a baby shower coming up...wouldn't that make for great coasters for a baby shower?

    Okay, I'm stretching...


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!