14 August 2009

My Tiny Little GIANT

Yesterday was Joseph's due date. But instead of being born yesterday, he was 3 weeks 1 day old. My goodness, 40 weeks is a long time! I have never made it to 40 weeks before and I admire everyone who does!

When he was born, he was 3105g and now he's 3990g. This means in 22 days he's grown from 6lb 13.5oz to 8lb 13oz. I'm pretty proud of that. Sometimes you wonder if your baby is getting any/enough milk, but when you see them growing so well, you have to stop worrying.

I wasn't able to take fantastic pictures of Joseph yesterday, but here are some average ones of Joseph with his favourite big buddy:


  1. 40 weeks is a long time, but what about those who go 10 days past their due date?

    By the way, both your boys are gorgeous!

  2. Oh, those little feet in those little suits. Sigh...

  3. My first was 9 days later than the due date. My mother called me everyday and said, "You're still here?" I finally quit taking her calls! LOL

  4. It is a miracle that life grows inside our wombs and a continuing miracle as that "person" continues to grow once outside the safety of our wombs...no wonder mothers have such a bond with their children throughout their lives.

    Nana Tantrum

  5. I know what you mean about wondering if the baby is getting enough milk-- but when he's growing like that it's so satisfying. I used to nuzzle the rolls of chub on my son's legs and think, "I did that!"

  6. He is packing on the pounds. He looks great. Nat is such a helper to you I bet. Glad they are developing a strong bond.
    My first one was born right on her due date. The second one was scheduled two week before my due date. But both were big girls.
    Give your tiny giant a squeeze from me.


  7. Just look at your little chubby cutie. I wish I could hold him and snuggle him for just a minute.

  8. wow is it really three weeks already? That went past quickly.

  9. So glad I got to cuddle your tiny giant :D

  10. awww they are so gorgeous! :) :) :) :)

  11. I'm glad I got to see him when he was tiny!

    He'll be picking you up to make you squeal before you know it. Boys have to do that, for some reason. It must be a rite of manhood - Picking Up Mum.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!