23 June 2009

Wrapping my head around it all

I nearly had a "teary" today. (It's when you get all teary, okay?)

This teary I nearly had was nearly had in K-Mart.

In the change rooms.

There are a lot of reasons why sitting partially naked and hugely pregnant, white and wobbly in front of a few horribly-placed mirrors under fluorescent lights can make a woman teary.

But today, all that ghastliness paled into the background. The issue taking precendence today was that I was there to buy ...

... against my will ...

... against my judgment ...

... against my sense of fashion ...


Which is what we Aussie girls call high-waisted full briefs that you have to wear after a caesarean.

I guess that many women wear high-waisted briefs every day and now you're mad at me for calling your knickers of choice "Granny Undies." I'm really sorry for that. Pretend I never spoke.

But I just wanted to tell you all:
  1. I bought 6 pairs to help me emotionally prepare for it all
  2. I nearly had a teary in the change rooms
  3. I didn't actually have the teary
  4. But in a fit of rebellion, I bought SEXY Granny Undies.

True story. They have a pretty little bow and some lace.


  1. no matter how many ties and bows - and I am sorry to tell you this - granny undies are never sexy!!!

    but you will not have to wear them forever and once you are done with them imagine how many uses they will have - you could use them as a flag or to polish the silver - I am sure they will give you years of service ;)

  2. Much sexier if they are black!

  3. When you no longer need to wear them you can have a ceremonial Burning of the Undies. Won't that be fun?

  4. I had no idea! Is there no end to the indignity?

    I'm presuming that they won't irritate the incision, which has to be a positive, but I can understand why you were kicking and screaming.

  5. P.S. I want a photo, because I want proof that they are sexy.

  6. Sexy Granny undies!!! I need a picture too... you dont have to model them though :P

  7. I say to HECK with the granny panties - you need to JUST GO COMMANDO!!!

    I mean, you'll already be topless a good deal of the time what with the breastfeeding and all, why not make it Full Monty? :D

  8. I agree with Heather! GO COMMANDO or as I like to refer to it "John Wayne" it!

    Remember...these you don't have to wear the GU's forever...just til you heal up!!!

    Nana Tantrum

  9. you go on with you bad self!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!