23 June 2009

My life keeps getting weirder

This one is sorta funny.

So I loved all your comments after I hit "publish" - wow you guys were quick off the mark! I do a "Not Me Monday" and you read, smile and pass on. I blog about sexy granny undies and the comments flood in rapidly! I think I know where to focus my bloggy efforts if I want maximum feedback.

So to Virtual Quilter, Hippomanic Jen and Swift Jan who all asked for photographic proof (though not necessarily modelled by me) I went to take pictures. They aren't black (which is what I was looking for) they are really quite lovely colours - rose, forest green and silver.

I took a few pics and then realised there was no card in my camera. So I can't blog the pictures.

Now of course I have to get the pictures off the internal memory of my camera, otherwise one day someone will be messing around with my camera and wonder why I have pictures of sexy granny undies on there.

And, predictably, I can't work out how.

Addendum: I worked it out. But for a while there, things were pretty embarrassing.


  1. LOL Too bad you figured it out, coz that would have been hilarious if someone found your granny undies by mistake a few years down the track LOL

  2. Go and buy a card and take photos! You still have weeks. I want photos. let's hear it girls,



  3. hahaha too funny! At least they are Sexy granny undies :)

    We do want those pics eventually though ;)

  4. Jen's right - WE WANT PICS! You don't have to be wearing them at the time or anything. We're not weirdos.

    I bought some granny undies for my sister when she had her (emergency) caesar and she thought it was the best gift ever. My nephew was born 5 weeks early and because she wasn't expecting the caesarean she didn't have the granny pants. I must say I've never seen enormous undies received with such enthusiasm! No photos, though...

  5. Yep, still want the pics!
    And a lesson on how to get photos out of the camera memory .... the card is sitting on the desk, and it has been there a week, and there's about a dozen photos happened in that time.
    Still want to see your pics though!
    Judy B


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!