21 April 2009

A Photo Letter from Sonny Ma-Jiminy to Great Nana

Here is a photo-letter that Sonny Ma-Jiminy recently sent his Great-Nana. You'll notice some real names here - I am planning to tell you Thingamababy's name when he or she is born, and I thought that might be a good name to start using real names on my blog. But an early preview of Sonny's and Smoochy's names is okay, wouldn't you think?


  1. Very cute! I love how you put the captions on the pictures.

  2. that is so cute, I am sure that she loved it!

  3. I didn't know Toy Story and Woody are still around. I love Toy Story 2. What a cute birthday picture thank you note to Nana. I know she loved it. Their real names are precious. I was thinking Sonny was a Ryan and Smoochy was an Emily. Don't know why. But I love their real names. It is hard to beat Smoochy and Sonny those are classics.

  4. Sounds like it was a really fun birthday!!!! xxxooo♥♥♥

  5. Nana must have loved that. Adorable! And those beautiful kids keep on getting more and more beautiful, especially with their real names on.

    BTW, Toy Story 2 is the bestest. Woody and Buzz Lightyear are still big, big hits around this house.

  6. I thought Coming Out with real names would cause a bigger stir, somehow! Makes me wonder whether to follow suit.

    Peanut recognised her old pink striped shirt in these pics, and said sternly, "Annoo-ceela can't have it."

  7. I love the photo letter idea... I might steal that idea for future birthdays :)

  8. I'm glad for the clarification on the names. I've been scratching my head over Sonny Ma-Jiminy for weeks.

    We've got a Woody story too. I thought I had posted in on my blog, but I guess I just did a scrapbook page about it. Guess I'll have to get busy and post it.

  9. I'm so glad you've Come Out with real names, because when my kitten is in a cuddly mood when I get home from work I usually pick her up and say "hello, Smoochy".... and I've been feeling vaguely uneasy about it! :)

  10. LOVE your little Smoochy's name! :)

    And what a cute idea to send to his Nana. Love it!

  11. Gotta love that Woody! He is a camper after my own heart! Nana must have been thrilled. I was debating scripting some photos of my own today, and now I'm thinking it will be worth the extra time. What is it about photos with text on them???

  12. Looks like fun! and I just adore that pic of Anna-Lucia helping with the cake. :)


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!