20 April 2009

Pest Control

One of the first things Sonny Ma-Jiminy thought of when we moved into our new house was the potential danger of hedgehogs.

We don't have hedgehogs here, just echidnas, and even then they always keep their spiky little selves out of town. There's a very slim chance you'd see one anywhere near our house.

(We do however ride kangaroos down the street and take possums in our bags to school. No, really, we do!!)

Sonny decided that we didn't want any hedgehogs in our new home. So he persuaded Mr de Elba to make a sign and stick it out the front.

We had a steady succession of mystified visitors before we remembered to take it down.


  1. Very cute. I'm also impressed that your hedgehogs can read there. Who knew...


  2. Hang on - I thought it was that you rode roos and carried KOALAS in your backpacks to school....?


  3. You're already creating some great memories in your new home. :)

  4. I think you should leave it up indefinitely. Great conversation starter for guests!

  5. This is sooo funny. You never know what is going on in a kid's mind!

  6. I walked past the sign half a dozen times and kept forgetting to ask once I was inside.

    Now I know.

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Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!