02 February 2009

Just because I haven't blogged for 4 days

Mr de Elba is spending most of this week in Toowoomba at his new job while I hold things together here. We have tradesmen coming Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, and there are more calls to others I need to make.

Now here's the thing ... the kids are ever-so-slightly PSYCHO! Gorgeous, yes, and they keep melting my heart every twenty minutes of the day, but in between that, they are driving me insane!

The mess, the fighting, the rudeness-to-Mummy, the asking for X and violent declining of X and asking for Y and aggressive declining of Y and the asking for Z ...

It reminds me (I don't know why) of when Smoochy Girl was a newborn. I was so worried about Mr de Elba going back to work after a few weeks off. I was sure I wouldn't cope.

Well, I did cope, but that doesn't mean it all became easy.

Five minutes after Mr de Elba drove off to work on that first day, Smoochy was in my left arm, Sonny was in my right arm, I was on the lounge chair, and all three of us were crying HARD. Not just sniffling, we were fully bawling our eyes out.

And you know what? That's okay. There's nothing wrong with that.

Well, we're older, wiser and a tad ruder to Mummy, and we don't all cry together like that anymore. But it continues to be hard, and we continue to manage.

And I think that means I'm pretty awesome. Yes, I'm sure that's what it means!


  1. That is exactly what it means because you are pretty awesome!

  2. Absolutely that is what it means, my dear!!!!


  3. You are indeed awesome. Even if you were all crying together you'd still be awesome. Soggy, but awesome.

  4. You're right, you are awesome!!!!

  5. Wow, FOUR comments, each person saying that I'm awesome! That's pretty ... awesome!


  6. That IS what it means.... you ARE awesome!

  7. Yup, you're awesome!

    Being a single parent is HARD. I hope it's only a very short stint this time.

  8. Stupendous! Fabulous! Wonderful! Spectacular! Is that okay, too?

  9. You are awesome. Keep up the organising and the parenting and if necessary, cry.

  10. No arguments here. I'm going with the awesome vote too.


  11. Why yes you ARE Awesome!!!!!

    IF it helps, my kids are psycho too.

  12. You are SO right!!

    AND, you are in SUCH good company. You've got a lot of "pretty awesome" moms in your midst that I'm noticing here--you can't argue with the experts!

  13. TOTALLY AWESOME!!! I think it is so important for children to witness all emotions from parents, or else they grow up in a life unreal. And crying together develops wonderful, emotional empathy! You are awesome!! And you are doing terrific things!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!