29 January 2009

"I have an idea!"

Sonny Ma-Jiminy: I have an idea!

Me (cautiously): Ye-e-e-eah...

SMJ: We could make a rowing boat!

Me: Oh, great idea. We could use these bean bags for rowing boats and ...

SMJ: No, a real rowing boat, and float it on real water. Maybe somebody's pool. Maybe we could make our own pool!

Me: Err, that sounds like a lot of work ...

SMJ: We'll do it when the sun goes down a little bit and it's not so hot.

Me: What will you need?

SMJ: We'll need lots of wood for the rowing boat. And when we build the pool we'll need a backhoe.

Me (manic shriek): A BACKHOE?

SMJ: We can just make one. We'll need metal.

Me: This is sounding like an amazing amount of work!

SMJ: We can eat some eggs. To give us energy.

[At this point I realised I couldn't even suggest that we think this through, because he obviously has. I did what all right-thinking mothers would do at this stage. I put the TV on. It's either that or cook some eggs and head out to source wood and metal, and skill-up on building earthmoving equipment.]


  1. I experienced a similar conversation with Hayden this afternoon. You will see, later. ;)

  2. Now that's what I call an ambitious, optimistic, nothing-can-hold-me-back (except the tv) kind of kid! He'll be an entrepreneur. Go big or go home!!

  3. Tell him he can do it once he's filled out all the relevant council approval applications. That should buy you a few years while he learns to read and write.

  4. You know you should really get busy on that pool. Because without it the row boat will be useless. :)

    Love those little wheels turning.
    It conversation shows me the difference between girls and boys too. My girls would have never said the word backhoe. I don't know if that word has ever left their lips. Very funny.
    They missed the Bob the Builder era.


  5. oops meant to say "this" conversation

  6. I love it. Can't see why it's making you tired just thinking about it!?

  7. I about fell off the stool when I read "backhoe." Nothing is impossible in the mind of a child! We would all probably do ourselves a favor if we tried to go back to thinking HALF that optimistically!

  8. this is just way too cute for words!!

  9. I find, "Hey! How about some ice cream?" quite effective in these situations too. :)

  10. And wouldn't you know it, we just finished up all our ice cream last night. Argh!

  11. That sounds like a great idea, very logical. row boat...pool..back hoe.
    How does he even know what a back hoe is and that he will need one to build a pool?

  12. Boys just know. There are many books for boys detailing the difference between excavators, loaders, bulldozers and backhoes, and their mothers have to learn all this stuff too.

    And yesterday we saw one repeatedly going up the side of a house and coming out with loads of dirt - we speculated it might be digging out a pool in the backyard. I guess it was on his mind.

  13. how bizzarre - my four year old wanted to build a boat on the 26th - he seemed to think it was this easy too - hee hee le oxoxo

  14. I love how their minds think at that age. I'm with you on the diversion tactics

  15. I love how kids think. And they do think through the whole process, in perfect kid logic.

  16. When Mrs. Tantrum and her brother were "wee" ones, they always wanted to dig to China, but soon were wore out from digging with a hand spade...they needed Sonny's backhoe! Geez, I miss those days.

    Nana Tantrum

  17. I thought I was the only one who turned on the TV to circumvent my child's overambitious plans. I thought I was stunting her imagination. But really...you have to or goodness knows what your backyard would look like.

  18. Be thankful that Pop Pop is not SMJ's Pop Pop...he has a backhoe, and probably a line on a pool guy and some wood. And would help them build said cock a mamie deranged dream into something bigger than Noah's ark. Which I guess isn't a BAD thing because then we wouldn't have to row back and forth between Seattle and Queensland anymore!

  19. LOL at Sonny.... I love your solution!! TV HAHAHHAHAHAHAHa

  20. My boy is not to be deterred from any Grand Idea by the trivialities of labor and parts either! Exasperating and endearing all at the very same time!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!