03 February 2009

Can She Fix It?

Smoochy Girl loves to brush her teeth. I think it's actually eating toothpaste she loves, but let's pretend it's Good Oral Hygiene she's shooting for.

She's fallen out of love with kids' toothpaste and will throw a tantrum and wipe the toothpaste on the carpet if she decides to be displeased. But if her majesty is satisfied, she walks happily around the house with her toothbrush in her mouth (because that's SUCH a safe thing to do.) She then leaves it wherever she is when she loses interest.

This means that next time she goes to find her toothbrush, it isn't where she thinks it is, which is not good because this qualifies as A Major Incident.

Yesterday, she couldn't find her toothbrush but instead of having a meltdown, she tried something new. She opened the drawer that contains our unopened toothbrushes and toothpaste and found a packet of two new toothbrushes. She couldn't open it though, and wandered the house for a bit with toothbrushes in hand, wondering what to do.

I lost track of what she was doing, so I had to put it all together later.

It seems she then got up on the chair in my study and from there climbed up onto the desk. She found my tin of stationery items and chose a pair of scissors.

She then climbed down and wandered the house with the toothbrushes in one hand and the scissors in the other, because that's even SAFER than wandering with a toothbrush hanging out of your mouth.

And I first noticed her like this, presenting brushes and scissors to me, asking in a sweet little voice, "Cut Piece? Cut Piece?"


It's like three minutes ago she was a little bit like this:

Yeah. She slept in a box in the living room.


  1. Yes, best to remember pics like that when faced with impending injury with sharp and/or poking objects. She's just too adorable.

  2. My father was one of 10. All about a year apart! At one point in time, they slept in a drawer in her chest of drawers!

    Nana Tantrum

  3. They grow up so darn fast. And you don't realize how big they've really gotten until you're holding that newborn in your arms, and the formerly-little-one isn't so little anymore!

  4. It was just three minutes ago, wasn't it? Yeah, I don't know where the time goes but when we realize it has happened, it really hits us!

    I love the "Major Incident" reference. We seem to have a lot of those around here, especially with our resident drama queen.

    And, I'm impressed that your comment on my post the other day actually referenced "kinkku" - you must have an amazing memory. And, soon you'll be fluent in Finnish.

  5. Oh she is just so cute all snuggled in the box and I LOVE that she slept in the box.

  6. Seriously--how they get all grown up and independent overnight is a mystery. Especially when it seems like they never hear a word you say!

  7. Awwwww.....that is so sweet!

    I know what you mean! When I posted pics last night of my NOW BIG 4-year old grandson, I had to wonder again, where the time goes, and how it went by so fast.

    Make every day count, I say!

  8. She was such a tiny wee thing!!

    She is one smart cookie the way she figured all that out!

  9. Do you wind up with three or four toothbrushes on the go at once? We do. You can either find all of them or none of them!

  10. Yes, and three or four tubes of toothpaste, after Mr de E opens new ones to take on camps and we lose track of them and keep opening more when others are lost, or when Smoochy has hidden them.

  11. naw she's so cute :) :) :) :) :)

  12. Oh, your De Elba baby photos always do strange things to me, possibly involving sudden rushes of hormones or exploding ovaries. Maybe you can manage an upgrade to a wooden packing crate for the newest De Elba! :)

  13. Oh I wish mine were small again.. oh wait.. that means diapers/nappies.. nope I'll keep em where they are. Hey I found your from our mutual bloggy friend Heather's blog in your honor. You being an Aussie I thought I'd pass this freebie on to ya.. as it's only open to U.S. residents and Aussies!

    Feel free to pass it on and stop by my blog sometime and chat.

  14. bubby in a box... so cute! I entered a photo of my then 2 yo curled up asleep in a box, in a local comp, won a photo frame.

    We have toothbrush incidents all the time.. this morning 3.5yo tantrumed over "her" sylvester toothbrush she saw that was an old one I have probably scrubbed the sink with... I hope it did not go in her mouth... but I wasnt looking...

  15. That's the sweetest bunch of grapes I've ever come across.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!