19 February 2009

Greasy as a used chip packet

Thankyou all for your lovely comments! In answer to many of you - it's still not cleaned up! After calling Daddy, I shampooed her hair seven times, but it's still as greasy as a used chip (crisps) packet this morning.

And wow Joy - small world isn't it? You can tell your friend it's hot, humid and muggy here - maybe she is enjoying a change right now?


  1. You should be a journalist. Don't they call this an aftermath story?

    Smoochy girl: Gorgeous one day, greasy the next!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Try washing it with BIcarb soda & water.... we use that to get hairspray bulid up out, I am not sure if it will work on greasy hair, but worth a try?

  4. yeah that is a tough one. its made to resist water. Mmmm.... Did you google it?

  5. Ah, but do I have any volunteers to help me pin her down while we do her hair yet again? She's feisty, and not too happy.

  6. I'm sure she's feisty and not too happy. Not to mention slippery.
    If I think of anything that will help cut the goo out of her hair I'll let you know.

    I know our neighbors are enjoying winter here. We did have our hurricane Ike right after they returned. :) Of course we have our hot, humid weather around the corner.

    Did you notice it's me talking and not Libby.?.?.?


  7. Do you all have Dawn Dishwashing detergent there. If so, it's got a grease cutter in it. You may want to try it on her hair.

    ♥ Joy

  8. Oh, snicker-snicker, that's so guffaw, terrible, wiping laughter tears from eyes. I'm so, har har har, sorry you are having to, ROFL, go through this! Really! I really mean it. Sincerely. Smiling to herself, remembering when.....

  9. I'll come right over and hold her down for you...how long will it take to get there? No fear of a couple of flailing arms and kicking legs here! Come to think of it, maybe we should all come.

  10. Ummm...At least she won't get sunburned covered in all that zinc? :)

  11. Dear Me, I am off for a few days at a trade show for work and all heck breaks loose! The Dawn dish soap should work. Or just let her run about like that for a bit and see what happens. Best case she has discovered a new beauty treatment that is "better than botox" and will have nary a trace of nappy rash! Worst case she'll look like a hobo who slept in the fry grease waste bin at McDonald's.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!