26 February 2009

Blog Neglect

I know that you all understand that I've been having a holiday from blogging because things have been crazy-busy, but that doesn't stop me feeling bad because I haven't blogged.

Many things have struck me as blogworthy, each deserving a whacking great big post of their own. But unfortunately if I try to wait for time to do that, it will never happen. So here, very briefly, are the highlights.

The Chinchilla Melon Festival: We went and it was great but extremely physically exhausting. The kids loved the parade and the fireworks. The people who offered us their cabin for accommodation invited us to swim in their pool as often as we liked, so we did three times.

Before the Melon Festival: We wanted to check out a house that we liked in Toowoomba. It was nice. Very nice. At this stage, we have a contract on it and hope that everything will proceed with no problems. But if you'd like to know a little secret: I'm stressed out of my tiny mind!

After the Melon Festival: I've been buried in all the legal and financial phone calls and emails that I'm sure many of you understand about.

At the Moment: Some of our best friends in the whole world have allowed us to stay with them while we tidy our home up for a few urgent Open Homes this weekend. Their generosity is helping us out at a very difficult time.

Today: Another of my best friends in the whole world, Hippomanic Jen, came to my place early and spent hours cleaning windows, vacuuming, moving furniture and all manner of other cleaning and tidying tasks. The aim was to have the place looking nice for the real estate agent's photos this afternoon, and it did! (Most of it.) The agent was busily taking photos when she had a call saying that a potential buyer wanted to look through. We're excited about the weekend now, hoping that we get a good offer very soon on our home.

In the near future: I really don't know. I'm taking it one day at a time. One thing I am sure of is that there will be some more Blog Neglect coming right atcha.


  1. YAY for the finding a nice house in Toowoomba! YAY for having people already interested in looking at your house! YAY for friends that will come and help you clean and tidy up for the realtor! (Slightly green with envy over that one - call me a pale chartreuse...)

    Only one BOO that I can think of........ no pictures of fuzzy melons! ;)

    Hang in there, sweetie!! *mwah*

  2. Wish I could lend you a hand. . . good luck with your open house and with your contract. I'm not sure if things work the same down under but up here people are saying to be careful about making offers. They recommend putting a clause in the contract saying it's all dependant on selling your present home (so you won't get stuck with 2 mortgages).
    Hopefully you won't have any glitches and you'll be settled in no time!
    Meanwhile, we aren't going anywhere so no worries!

  3. Wish I could lend you a hand. . . good luck with your open house and with your contract. I'm not sure if things work the same down under but up here people are saying to be careful about making offers. They recommend putting a clause in the contract saying it's all dependant on selling your present home (so you won't get stuck with 2 mortgages).
    Hopefully you won't have any glitches and you'll be settled in no time!
    Meanwhile, we aren't going anywhere so no worries!

  4. Wish I could lend you a hand. . . good luck with your open house and with your contract. I'm not sure if things work the same down under but up here people are saying to be careful about making offers. They recommend putting a clause in the contract saying it's all dependant on selling your present home (so you won't get stuck with 2 mortgages).
    Hopefully you won't have any glitches and you'll be settled in no time!
    Meanwhile, we aren't going anywhere so no worries!

  5. Wish I could lend you a hand. . . good luck with your open house and with your contract. I'm not sure if things work the same down under but up here people are saying to be careful about making offers. They recommend putting a clause in the contract saying it's all dependant on selling your present home (so you won't get stuck with 2 mortgages).
    Hopefully you won't have any glitches and you'll be settled in no time!
    Meanwhile, we aren't going anywhere so no worries!

  6. Oh boy! Things are looking up! And moving fast! Yes, you're SUPER stressed, but it seems to be the GOOD kind right now, so that's a plus (if one were looking for one)! Still sending prayers out for you every day~

  7. You have been in my thoughts and prayers. I know you have a ton of things going on right now, but just remember you have a cheer leader from across the pond. :)

  8. We completely understand. You do what you got to do. We'll be here to listen and catch up when you get back to us. Glad you found a promising house in Toow. I pray it works out if its the one for you all.
    I know your house lookes great and all staged for the open house. How sweet of your friend to come help you get it ready. You know we would all come if it were possible. I wish you the best and know it is all going to work out. Thanks for the update.


  9. Hmm, what would be the chances of finding a friend of my own like Hippomanic Jen???? ;-)

    May you sense yourself being carried through these days by the Lord!

  10. Good luck selling your house! And don't worry about neglecting your blog; we'll still be here when you're not so overwhelmed.

  11. I'm not moving house but please tell Hippomanic Jen she's welcome to come down here to clean my place any time.

    I thought Chinchilla was a type of cat...

    That's great news about house possibilities!

  12. Still praying for you guys :D
    Here's to good mates *chink*

  13. BTW I just checked out your ad on realestate.com! The house looks beautiful!! So clean & tidy! ANd the fresh paint job is superb... makes me awefully tempted to put in an offer... except that its in the wrong suberb for us hehe...
    I love that they used your self cleaning oven as a selling point :D
    Jolly good...

  14. Now that is very exciting, my cute little Aussie friend!!! I hope something amazing happens for you this weekend!!!

    AND what a great friend you have to come cleaning - and to put you up for the weekend. That is truly awesome!

    We love you, no matter how long between posts. Take your time. Write when you can, and NOT because 'duty' or 'guilt' calls you!

  15. What is this "blog neglect" you speak of? I can't relate at all... :D

  16. I am ecstatic that you mentioned the self cleaning oven in the real estate write-up. If only they knew the truth...


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!