18 February 2009

Quiet. Too Quiet.

Me: Sonny, Smoochy has been too quiet for too long.

Sonny: (silence, for he is watching something of extreme importance involving an animated cat.)

Me: I think we should go and investigate;

Sonny: (continuing silence in the face of the animated cat.)

Me: Okay, I'll go. Ooh, hang on, I smell nappy-rash cream. Oh no. (Walks faster.)

Me: Ah yes, I thought so. Great. Well done sweetheart. Hold there while I get the camera.

Smoochy: (grumpy noises)

Sonny: (leaves the animated cat, interested in the unfolding disaster.)

Me: Okay, here, look at the camera. (Snap.)

Me: Oh save my soul, look at your hair. (Snap.)

Me: Hm. The legs. Show me. (Snap.)

Me: Look at your hands. (Snap.)

Me: Oh sweetheart. Your face. (Snap.)

Me: Oh well. I have a camera and you're gorgeous. SMILE! (Snap.)

Me: And now I'm calling Daddy.


  1. Calling Daddy to brag about your gorgeous daughter that he's missing out on, or calling in reinforcements?

  2. aww so cute! haha and nappy cream is annoying to try and get off!!!! :)

  3. wow - who would think to cover themselves in nappy rash cream

    She might start a craze!

  4. I was one of those annoying little princesses who hated having dirty hands/legs/hair (I still remember being horrified in grade one when asked to finger-paint) so the picture with the nappy-rash-creamed hair makes me shudder! But as I'm neither the person who has to wear it nor the person who has to clean it up, I can safely say, "Awwww... that's really cute!"

  5. hehe how cute :)

    It's almost reminiscent of the sunscreen and pregnancy test :P Your kids love creams don't they? haha

  6. The creme should help her have baby soft skin. Oh wait, she already has baby soft skin.
    Impressive paint job Miss Smoochy,


    Oh, P.S. I was talking with my neighbor yesterday. They moved back to the states in August after living in Brisbane for 3 years. I told her the name of your town. She was very familiar with it. She said they just lived a few minutes out of Brisbane. You would know it she said. Small World.

  7. You know you're a blogger when you take pictures of a scene like that!

    I would have called my kid's Daddy too.

  8. Oh she is just so cute. Hayden did this before too. It is a pain to clean up, no?

  9. Oh, I was present when my nephew was thusly discovered--what a mess! I somehow managed to keep that stuff out of sight and reach with my own--but there were many other things I had to experience firsthand.

    She's very thorough, that Smoochy. Career in medicine on the horizon.

  10. SO, do tell.... how DID you get it all off?
    I am yet to discover either of my two wearing nappy rash cream, thats not to say #3 wont do it...
    I did however once find CC wearing red lipstick....

  11. Oh my, silence is never good! We have had a similar incident with vaseline. Well, just think of how well conditioned her hair is going to be and how soft her skin will be!!

  12. Isn't it funny how we grab our camera before grabbing a papertowel or something? I do that too :-)

  13. That is the best! You go, Smoochy Girl!!

    Sorry, I know it's been terrible to clean that out...but that is such a great kid thing to do!

  14. Seriously, how DO they get up to these things?!

  15. I love the look of awe on Sonny's face in the background there. It's like he's bowing to the queen of mischief. And seriously, well done for laughing in the moment. I can't guarantee I'd have shown the same patience.

  16. Wow, she had fun there....

  17. Been here, smelled that mess, managed to clean the carpet over the following week.


  18. and just exactly what use will daddy be .... hee hee love le


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!