31 October 2008

Thomas Don't Know Jack

Writing in retrospect:

This weekend we went on a women's retreat with our church. What a great time! It started on Friday night with an insane car trip up Tamborine Mountain. Insane, not because my driving company was Crazy Sister, insane because of Thomas.

Thomas is my husband's TomTom GPS navigator. I knew the quick way up the mountain, Tom on the other hand advised us to do a u-turn for most of the way. It was convinced that there were no roads to our destination and to give up. I lost my confidence in my own skills and nearly turned around, wasting about an hour of our time, but Crazy Sister convinced me to keep on going, and sure enough, we were on the right road.

That's me - cleverer than a GPS.

The accommodation was lovely. I've stayed in a campsite on the mountain which was condemned after (but not because of) my stay, and others that gave me material the write "A la carte, a la tente." Like mosquito wrigglers in the tank water.

But in our cabin, we had a fridge. It was the LOUDEST fridge I've ever heard. I don't know what was wrong with it. In the night, the hum of the fridge turned into a roar. It sounded like the fridge wanted to break loose and drive through our cabin and plough over our beds.

The fridge didn't bother me though, because I got to sleep until I woke up in the morning. Not until my dear little kids woke me up, until I woke up!

It was great.

To be continued.


  1. It was a great retreat. Thomas the GPS navigator was useless. I liked the phrase we coined on that trip - "Thomas doesn't know Jack."

    I'll be blogging about it all soon...

  2. My husband has offered to buy me a GPS since I am so directionally challenged but I refused because I know it would tell me to take a U turn or something where I couldn't and then I would be distraught. Thanks for confirming my belief that I do not need to trust a GPS!

  3. I think that fridge has been making the rounds because last year it was at our friend's cabin and sounded like we were sleeping next to the motorway. With our heads on the road.

    At least you got to sleep, sleep, sleep! Sounds just fantastic!!

  4. That's Right! "Thomas Don't Know Jack." Permit me to change the title of this post? You can still use it on Graze
    if you want to.

    Thanks for being my travelling buddy!

  5. I'm jealous...I so want a Tom-Tom. Perhaps it's because I'm devoid of all sense of direction down here in Sydney.

    Meanwhile I think the main reason for wanting a said TT is to play with the accent and replace the hubby's voice with an Irish one. *LOL*

  6. Oh that'd be great! Our GPS's coolest voices are Yoda ("In 300 metres, right you must turn,") and John Cleese ("You have reached your destination. You're on your own now. I'm not going to help you.")

    So long as your navigation software is updated, I'm sure a GPS would help you heaps in Sydney! Christmas Present for Mummy perhaps Beck?

  7. I love it! Thomas Don't Know Jack! Another favorite here would be Thomas Don't Know Squat!

    I'd love a GPS with John Wayne giving me directions.

    Nana Tantrum

  8. I am really glad that you got to get away and its it just so awesome to wake up on your own!?!

  9. Reminds me of the recent story where people listened to their GPS instead of using common sense, and drove directly into a lake.

    Go figure.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!