30 October 2008

The New Kitchen

Our new kitchen was finished on Monday, and I'm sorry it's taken so long to give you some pictures! Remember how it used to look?

The first thing that got a makeover was the floor:

The rest of the kitchen went in smoothly. The stone bench and the tiles took a little longer than I expected, but it was all done in pretty good time.

Now, the place looks much nicer. There is a noticeable increase in useable storage space. That picture in the upper left will be change to actually be a picture of US, not the standard picture of models pretending to be married that you get when you buy a frame.

This is my dream bench. Plenty of preparation space, drawers below, cupboards above, and a magnetic whiteboard behind it.

That's a pretty standard amount of fruit for our kitchen. We also have watermelon and pawpaw in the fridge (which, frustratingly, is still in the living room.) This picture was taken yesterday, and most of that fruit is gone today.

Our new cooktop is a dream to cook on. That's it there under the saucepan. Beside the kettle. There.

The pantry has heaps of space. Half the shelves ware moveable, so I made a small shelf at the very bottom for the dustpan & brush and some trays, and the second-bottom shelf is large for the appliances. The oven is awesome. I'm looking forward to trying new recipes in it using new functions like fan-grilling, and also some recipes I gave up on because my old oven couldn't cook them well, like sponge cakes.

We've got some baskets for the hats that live just inside the door onto the deck...

and a basket for the tea towels and washers.

It's a dream to cook in, and we're very thankful we were able to get a new kitchen. Thanks for bearing with me during the kitchen process. It was worth it!


  1. wow - the new kitchen looks great!

    Worth the wait right?

    I am so jealous of your pantry. I dream of having such a big pantry one day.

  2. loving the magnetic white board - could really see that as useful.

    I am also a drawer fan - much easier than cupboards for underenath - looks lovely.

    Also baskets - great idea !! espec for the 'gone walkabout' hats.

    ENJOY ! le

  3. Your new kitchen is very beautiful. All that space...so clean...so bright...so practical. Although I think I'd be reluctant to mess it up by actually cooking in it.

  4. *swoooooooooooooooooooon*

    Totally having transcontinental kitchen envy here!

    I only hope that our next house (we're moving in the spring) has such a fantabulous kitchen!

    Enjoy it!

    (Oh and ps - what's the American translation on a paw paw? I know the song "Way down yonder in the paw paw patch" but I never realized that was an actual, you know, fruit....? We have similar amounts of fruit at all times in our house, though never any paw paws, I don't think.... :D )

  5. Papaya? Let me know if that makes sense to you :)

  6. I absolutely love it and I am so happy for you. It is beautiful.

  7. Yes, papaya. I love papaya. ;-)

    Love your new kitchen. That cooktop is amazing! Where are the controls?

    You got so much more space out of the deal. Nicely done!!

  8. It's Nana Tantrum here! I love your new kitchen! And yes, I've been "following" your blog entries since Mrs. Tantrum got me hooked on this "blog phenom" and she suggested I "check you out." I still can't believe you're in Australia and I'm in the Pacific NW. I feel like we could be neighbors! Well, except you have Paw-Paw in your fruit basket and I have well...apples and apples.

  9. Your kitchen looks beautiful! (And my husband designs & builds cabinets, so I know whereof I speak!)

  10. Love the kitchen! And it's nice to see another family that consumes as much fruit as we do. :)

  11. OH my gosh...I am so jealous of your pantry! have been here before and I absolutely love yur blog! Thanks for visiting me today! Come back soon!

  12. What a transformation! It looks great and I can see why it would be such a joy to cook in :)

  13. Come Aboard...it's exciting and new....

    Oh, wait that was the Love Boat. This is totally the love kitchen though.

    That much fruit would be gone in a day too here. Bacon would wolf it down like he had never had fruit before. He will eat kiwi until he makes himself sick.

  14. I'm happy for you, and jealous for me! LOL I love our new house but the kitchen is U.G.L.Y!
    Yours, however, is beautiful.

  15. Can't...talk... Consumed... with... envy....

  16. Your new kitchen looks great and I adore baskets. :)

  17. The pantry closet with the curved shelves is so cool!

  18. Beautiful!!! I love the white board. And the cooktop. And the baskets. And the floors. And the pantry. Well...I just love the whole thing. :)

  19. SOOOOOOOOOOO WONDERFUL!! I know you must be really loving your kitchen now. Congratulations!



Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!