09 May 2013

Only outside the pharmacy

On many, many occasions:

Me: Okay Woody, click yourself in to your carseat.
Woody: I caaaaan't!  I'm too wittle!  I caaaaan't!  Nooooo!

- - - - - - - - - -

On one occasion, months ago, after a trip to the pharmacy:

Me: (sigh) Here, I'll click you in.
Woody: I've done it by myself!
Me: You - what? You did it by yourself?  How?  Did you just do it because - ? (Making up something ridiculous...) Because we went just to that pharmacy or something?
Woody: Yes.
Me: Okay then.  Pharmacy.  Huh.

- - - - - - - - - -

The next day:

Me: (sigh) Here, I'll click you in.
Woody: I've done it by myself!
Me: You - what?  How?  Ahhhh, I see!  There's a pharmacy just over there!  Ha ha funny!
Woody:  Yes.  I can kwick myself in when there's a pharmacy.

- - - - - - - - - -

Ever since, when in a place without a pharmacy:

Me: Okay Woody, click yourself in to your carseat.
Woody: I caaaan't!  I'm too wittle!
Me: You CAN!  You did it that other day!  The day with the - the pharmacy!?!?  You remember?
Woody: I can't do it!  I caaaaan't!
Me: Why not, for goodness sake? No pharmacy, I expect?
Woody: No.  Dere's no pharmacy.

- - - - - - - - - -

Just to confuse me while at the shops without a pharmacy:

Me: Uh - can you click yourself in today?
Woody: I did it!  By myself!
Me: Whaaa?  Without a pharmacy?  Amazing!  You're getting bigger!  Clicked himself in without a pharmacy close by, imagine that.

- - - - - - - - - -

Just to confuse me while at the shops with a pharmacy:

Me: Okay, click yourself in.  There's a pharmacy over there.  Just do it.
Woody:  I caaaaan't!
Me: Why?  Why-why-whyyyyy?  There's a pharmacy!  Just there!  Look!  The green shop?
Woody: I caaaaan't kwick myself in!
Me: I just really don't get that.

- - - - - - - - - -

Recently, at home:

Me: (sigh) Do I have to click you in today?  Surprise me.
Woody: I caaaaan't!
Me: Oh come ON!  We're going to drive past a pharmacy!  Does that count? Surely it counts?
Woody:  I caaaaan't!
Buzz and Jessie: Woody, we have medicines in our cupboard just there in the kitchen, look!  That means we are a pharmacy!  We are!  You can click yourself in here, because we're a pharmacy!
Woody:  I caaaaan't!  Waaaahhh...

- - - - - - - - - -

Today, while out:

Me: (sigh) I'll put Rex in his carseat so you hop in and I'll click you up in a minute.
Woody: But I can do it at home because we are a pharmacy!
Random Stranger: Pharmacy?
Me: I can't explain.


  1. What fun! I want a pharmacy. Now. Or do the magical properties only work with Australian ones?

  2. Still giggling. Have no idea how to respond.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!