19 May 2013

Appropriately Named

Jessie was sitting in the back seat on the way home from a birthday party, munching on the contents of her party bag. "Ooh! Look! I've got a baby!" she squealed.

I pretended I didn't know she meant a Jelly Baby.  "Congratulations!" I said. "What did you name it?"

She thought for a moment, then mumbled with her mouth full, "Headless."


  1. Ha ha ha that is awesome. Your daughter is so quick.

  2. Thanks for the giggle, this one tickled the funny bone.

  3. Ha, I had to google that, but Jessie's quick wit was not lost on me. She has her mom's sense of humor! :-)

  4. Bloodthirsty little thing, isn't she! and funny!

  5. Does she still cook her dolls? Causer I always enjoyed "What's for dinner?" being answered with "Caroline" or "Maisie".


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!