07 February 2012

It's hard to see "Goodbye"

Reading and following blogs tends to result in making friends.  Even if you never meet in real life, even if you remain largely a 'lurker' on someone's blog you follow their joys and struggles, and feel like you've made a friend.

Sometime you walk beside people going through unimaginably difficult times, and you feel enriched by the emotional journey you walk as you pray with them and for them.

Then one day the title of a post in your Reader or Blogroll is simply "Goodbye."  It's hard to see that.

I along with those who 'knew' Susan Niebur am today asking God to receive her strong fighting spirit and give comfort to WhyDaddy, Widget and Little Bear as they grieve her death.

Susan, you are the strongest, most inspirational four-time-cancer-survivor/astrophysicist/mother I've ever known.  You enriched my life as you allowed me to follow your journey.  Thankyou, and Goodbye.

1 comment:

Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!