31 January 2012

If you thought things at your house were boring ...

The most noteworthy thing to happen today was that I both vacuumed and mopped my floors. I also did many other things, but this vacuuming-and-mopping thing?  It was amazing! Usually, once I've vacuumed the large area of hard floor at my place, it all requires vacuuming again. I rarely get to the mopping stage, although the whole floor area does get done regularly because of the number of spills and gross things to happen on the floors. I spend a lot of time on hands and knees scrubbing small areas of floor which are bound to meet up.  So in effect, the whole floor should get done regularly, just never all at the same time.

The second most noteworthy thing to have happened today was the rapidity with which crumbs were dropped onto the clean floor.  I took a photo to prove that while patches of the floor were not yet dry, lamington crumbs were dropped under Woody's bar stool.

And that is how interesting my life is right now.  (But not complaining.)


  1. Perhaps all eating could be done outside or you should allow the dog in for meals and snacks. Our dog was quite a good vacuum when the girls were little

  2. I gave up on the floors forever ago. But at least you have the comfort of knowing there is only one layer of mess on it. For now. :-)

  3. I guess you can't do with children what we do with the dog. He goes on 24hour ban from inside when the floors are clean. At least I get to enjoy them (or simply drop stuff on them MYSELF, which is nowhere near as frustrating)

  4. Oh right. "Woody" dropped lamington crumbs on the floor. Can't fool me; I've read your Australia Day post! I know who the lamington culprit is around here. ;-)

  5. Sad. My under-bench crumb pile is big enough to model into a sand castle.

  6. It is nice to read about your blog ... really "mommy" its happen i think for all mommy ... :)
    also in my family...upps, also for me, as a mom for 4 kiddos :)
    thankyou for nice sharing .......


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!